Onus in spanish


pronunciation: kɑɹ̩gɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

onus = responsabilidad. 

Example: With the onus on the searcher to achieve familiarity with filing orders, there are other factors that need to be considered.


» put + the onus on = hacer recaer la responsabilidad sobre.

Example: Clearly this must become part of the education of librarians, and that puts the onus on the teaching agencies and the syllabus makers.

Onus synonyms

burden in spanish: carga, pronunciation: bɜrdən part of speech: noun load in spanish: carga, pronunciation: loʊd part of speech: noun encumbrance in spanish: gravamen, pronunciation: enkʌmbrəns part of speech: noun incumbrance in spanish: incumbencia, pronunciation: ɪnkʌmbrəns part of speech: noun
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