Onshore in spanish

En tierra

pronunciation: entierɑ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

onshore1 = terrestre, de tierra. [Adjetivo. Utilizado como opuesto al mar]

Example: Terminological consistency is a must for achieving satisfactory information flow onboard an oil platform, and between offshore field centres and onshore administration.

onshore2 = en tierra. [Adverbio. Utilizado como opuesto al mar]

Example: Historical time series of wells drilled in a given country or region onshore and offshore within 10 depth categories will be invaluable.

Onshore synonyms

seaward in spanish: hacia el mar, pronunciation: siwɜrd part of speech: adjective, adverb inshore in spanish: a la orilla, pronunciation: ɪnʃɔr part of speech: adjective

Onshore antonyms

offshore pronunciation: ɔfʃɔr part of speech: adverb
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