Only in spanish


pronunciation: soʊlɑmente part of speech: adverb
In gestures

only1 = único. 

Example: Clearly, the only totally adequate indication of the content of a document is the text of the document in its entirety.


» an only child = ser hijo único.

Example: Yes, as a child I got a ridiculous amount of presents and, looking back, was probably spoiled rotten, especially since I'm an only child.

» once-only = de una sola vez.

Example: This pricing strategy maybe attractive to both users and database producers, both of whom have the security of a predictable and once-only financial transaction.

» the one and only = el único, el único e incomparable, el único e inimitable.

Example: And a well-planned withdrawal is the one and only path to a political solution.

only2 = solamente, sólo, únicamente. 

Example: We only wish publishers had recognized libraries as an audiobook market earlier.


» a man is only as good as his word = un hombre vale tanto como su palabra.

Example: Here is a company that still applies the principle that a man is only as good as his word.

» beauty is only skin deep = la belleza es superficial. [Proverbio]

Example: The article carries the title 'Planning a new youth services department or beauty's more than skin deep'.

» be only half (of) the equation = ser sólo la mitad de la ecuación.

Example: Excellence in the classroom is only half of the equation in preparing to be an effective professional: students must learn in the workplace as well.

» be only half the battle = tener ganada sólo la mitad de la batalla, haber ganado sólo la mitad de la batalla.

Example: This clearing of the terminological undergrowth is only half the battle.

» be (only) natural = ser (totalmente) natural, ser cosa (totalmente) natural.

Example: It's only natural for a betrayed wife to be curious about her husband's mistress.

» be only the half of it = ser sólo la mitad (del problema).

Example: But that's only the half of it -- the really challenging bit is yet to come.

» be second only to = verse superado sólo por, ser superado sólo por.

Example: Wood is not only a supremely abundant raw material, but it can also be made into a product which is second only to pure rag paper for appearance, strength, and durability.

» by invitation only = sólo por invitación, sólo con invitación.

Example: Participation was by invitation only and was limited to a small group of experts in the fields covered by the 2 projects.

» CD-ROM (Compact Disk Read Only Memory) = CD-ROM (Disco compacto de sólo lectura).

Example: CD-ROMs and videodiscs are the formats currently mentioned, but others will doubtless join them.

» children-only = sólo para niños, exclusivo para niños.

Example: Pubs are licensed premises and children should be allowed into a children-only area under adult supervision.

» dry clean only = limpiar en seco. [Aviso que se coloca en ciertas prendas de vestir]

Example: Hand washing your crocheted items is the safest bet, unless the yarn specifically states 'dry clean only'.

» electronic-only = sólo en formato electrónico.

Example: The project will measure relative value of print-only, print-and-electronic and electronic-only journals.

» e-only access = acceso sólo electrónico.

Example: UK universities are increasingly moving to e-only access to e-journals through licensing content.

» EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) = EPROM (Memoria Programable y Borrable de Sólo Lectura).

Example: Variants of ROMs include PROMs (Programmable Read-Only Memories) and EPROMs (Erasable PROMs) which offer some flexibility over ROMs but do not get over the problem of the MPU not being able to write data to them.

» for a limited time only = sólo por tiempo limitado.

Example: We are offering a free trial period for a limited time only!.

» for children only = sólo para niños, exclusivo para niños.

Example: It may be simplistic to limit ourselves to books published for children only.

» for external use only = de uso externo, uso tópico.

Example: This hydrocortisone is for external use only and avoid contact with the eyes.

» for men only = sólo para hombres, exclusivo para el hombre.

Example: This men's discussion forum is moderated by a male and is for men only.

» for women only = sólo para mujeres, exclusivo para la mujer.

Example: Synchronized swimming and rhythmic gymnastics are for women only.

» if only = si.

Example: A large proportion of the earth's population has not yet recognized the enormous advantages that would accrue if only everybody spoke English.

» if only because = aunque sólo sea porque.

Example: All effective indexes must have some common facets if only because the audience does not alter merely because the indexer chooses to pursue certain indexing practices.

» in name only = sólo de nombre, de derecho pero no de hecho.

Example: Appointments for research leaves and tenure are still unavailable to some librarians who seem to be faculty in name only.

» invitation only = sólo por invitación, sólo con invitación. [Acontecimiento al que sólo se puede asistir mediante invitación previa]

Example: A formal, invitation only seminar was held at Rhyl Library, Clwyd at the end of the project.

» men-only = sólo para hombres, exclusivo para el hombre.

Example: This year, we are proud to announce that we will be running a men-only yoga class once a month.

» not only ... but also ... = no sólo ... sino también ....

Example: This translation will involve not only labelling the subject, but possibly also indicating related subjects, as has been discussed earlier.

» only a handful of people = sólo un puñado de personas, sólo unos cuantos, sólo unas cuantas personas, apenas cuatro gatos, apenas cuatro pelagatos.

Example: But his radical views on religion would destroy his success, and by the end of his life, only a handful of people attended his funeral.

» only for children = sólo para niños, exclusivo para niños.

Example: This device, which is placed surgically in the inner ear, is only for children with severe or profound hearing loss in both ears.

» only for men = sólo para hombres, exclusivo para el hombre.

Example: To all the men who think knitting is for women: in Biblical times, knitting was only for men -- not an activity allowed to women.

» only for women = sólo para mujeres, exclusivo para la mujer.

Example: This scholarship is only for women over 35 years old from low-income households who are pursuing a first undergraduate or vocational degree.

» (only) time will tell = (sólo) el tiempo (lo) dirá.

Example: Only time will tell whether the rather gimmicky approach to libraries and to culture in general as manifested in the centre is the shape of things to come.

» print-only = sólo en formato impreso, sólo en papel.

Example: The project will measure relative value of print-only, print-and-electronic and electronic-only journals.

» PROM (Programmable Read-Only Memory) = PROM (Memoria Programable de Sólo Lectura).

Example: Variants of ROMs include PROMs (Programmable Read-Only Memories) and EPROMs (Erasable PROMs) which offer some flexibility over ROMs but do not get over the problem of the MPU not being able to write data to them.

» read-only = de sólo lectura.

Example: However, magnetic storage is easily erased and overwritten, while optical media are usually of the read-only (permanent or semi-permanent) type.

» to mention only a few = por mencionar sólo algunos, por mencionar sólo unos cuantos.

Example: Those researchers include Herbert Simon, Chris Argyris and Rensis Likert, to mention only a few.

» to name (only) + Número = por nombrar (sólo) + Número.

Example: Internet carries with it many assumptions, about access and economy to name two.

» to name only some = por nombrar sólo unos cuantos, por mencionar sólo unos cuantos.

Example: With a little bit of forethought on such aspects as insulation, windows and even the shape of a building to name only some aspects, considerable economies can be achieved.

» which/it (just/only/simply) goes to prove that = lo que/eso (simplemente/sólo) prueba que.

Example: But so far, no one has imagined a scenario where people might be playing ping-pong with robots, which just goes to prove that truth is often stranger than fiction.

» which/it (just/only/simply) goes to show that = lo que/eso (simplemente/sólo) demuestra que.

Example: It goes to show that you just never know people until you've been down the road with them a few miles.

» women-only = sólo para mujeres, exclusivo para la mujer.

Example: The setting up of women-only train compartments is definitely the best solution in solving the problem of indecent assaults in the MTR.

» you only live once = sólo se vive una vez.

Example: That being only live once, so if you decide to jump in head first, and if things don't work out, remember, you can always leave.

Only synonyms

but in spanish: pero, pronunciation: bʌt part of speech: adverb just in spanish: sólo, pronunciation: dʒʌst part of speech: adverb sole in spanish: único, pronunciation: soʊl part of speech: noun exclusive in spanish: exclusivo, pronunciation: ɪksklusɪv part of speech: adjective alone in spanish: solo, pronunciation: əloʊn part of speech: adverb merely in spanish: simplemente, pronunciation: mɪrli part of speech: adverb solely in spanish: solamente, pronunciation: soʊəli part of speech: adverb solitary in spanish: solitario, pronunciation: sɑləteri part of speech: adjective simply in spanish: simplemente, pronunciation: sɪmpli part of speech: adverb lone in spanish: solitario, pronunciation: loʊn part of speech: adjective, noun exclusively in spanish: exclusivamente, pronunciation: ɪksklusɪvli part of speech: adverb entirely in spanish: enteramente, pronunciation: ɪntaɪɜrli part of speech: adverb lonesome in spanish: solitario, pronunciation: loʊnsəm part of speech: adjective only if in spanish: sólo si, pronunciation: oʊnliɪf part of speech: adverb only when in spanish: sólo cuando, pronunciation: oʊnliwen part of speech: adverb
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