Occur in spanish


pronunciation: oʊkuriɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

occur1 = ocurrir, suceder, pasar, surgir, darse, aparecer, encontrarse. 

Example: In DOBIS/LIBIS, this occurs only when entering multiple surnames.


» occur + change = suceder un cambio.

Example: Online cataloging will involve extensive changes and simplification in rules, unlike the changes that occurred when card catalogs replaced bookform catalogs.

» occur + vacancy = darse una vacante.

Example: What we will do is to transfer the people that are now working on maintaining the catalog to the vacancies occurring throughout the library.

occur2 = ocurrir, pensar. 

Example: Various desirable features will be incorporated into a package which may not occur to the new user as being of importance.


» it + occur to + Nombre/Pronombre = ocurrírsele a Uno Algo.

Example: It occurred to him that the library might subscribe to his boyhood home town newspaper.

Occur synonyms

be in spanish: ser, pronunciation: bi part of speech: verb pass in spanish: pasar, pronunciation: pæs part of speech: verb, noun come in spanish: ven, pronunciation: kʌm part of speech: verb anticipate in spanish: prever, pronunciation: æntɪsəpeɪt part of speech: verb happen in spanish: ocurrir, pronunciation: hæpən part of speech: verb hap in spanish: tener suerte, pronunciation: hæp part of speech: noun go on in spanish: seguir, pronunciation: goʊɑn part of speech: verb take place in spanish: tener lugar, pronunciation: teɪkpleɪs part of speech: verb come about in spanish: ocurrir, pronunciation: kʌməbaʊt part of speech: verb pass off in spanish: pasar, pronunciation: pæsɔf part of speech: verb
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