Occupational in spanish


pronunciation: oʊkupɑθioʊnɑl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

occupational = ocupacional, profesional, laboral, relativo al trabajo. 

Example: The United States Labor Department has diligently worked on removing both age and sex reference from their official occupational titles in accordance with federal law and executive directives.


» cross-occupational = interprofesional, entre profesiones.

Example: Analysis indicates that strikes were most likely to be successful if they did not involve cross-occupational alliances.

» intraoccupational = intraocupacional, intraprofesional, intralaboral, dentro de la misma profesión, dentro del mismo trabajo.

Example: In addition to issues of undervaluation of the library profession, the focus is on intraoccupational intentional wage discrimination.

» occupational accident = accidente laboral.

Example: They sought to prevent occupational accidents and disease by incorporating health and safety standards in contracts.

» occupational conditions = condiciones laborales.

Example: One of the main objectives was to improve occupational conditions and living standards of those working in these industries.

» occupational counseling = asesoría laboral.

Example: Other services the library may provide include a learning exchange, adult programs on topics of high interest, or occupational counseling.

» occupational disease = enfermedad profesional, enfermedad laboral.

Example: They sought to prevent occupational accidents and disease by incorporating health and safety standards in contracts.

» occupational group = grupo profesional, profesión.

Example: Over the past 10 years, role conflict, role ambiguity, role clarity and job satisfaction have been given increased attention in the study of organisational behaviour for a number of occupational groups.

» occupational hazard = riesgo de la profesión, riesgo del oficio, riesgo laboral, gaje del oficio.

Example: Although the library profession cannot be regarded as one of high risk from the viewpoint of occupational hazards, certain hazards do exist: including repetitive strain injuries, neck pain, and back pain.

» occupational hazard prevention = prevención de riesgos laborales.

Example: The most important is that it's a basic principle of occupational-hazard prevention to address hazards before people get hurt.

» occupational health = salud laboral, salud en el trabajo.

Example: Employee benefits include health benefits, life insurance, occupational health, and retirement.

» occupational injury = accidente laboral.

Example: Section 3 discusses how occupational injuries and illnesses affect work disability.

» occupational neurosis = neurosis producida por el trabajo.

Example: The unhappy tendency among teachers -- an occupational neurosis -- is to jump in too early and too often, especially if the talk wanders from direct comments about books under consideration.

» occupational psychology = sicología del trabajo.

Example: The premise of this book is that the approach of occupational psychology may provide 'a deeper awareness of the very nature of music itself'.

» occupational safety = seguridad laboral, seguridad en el trabajo.

Example: The relatively high number of work-related accidents demonstrates a need for developing a sociology of occupational safety.

» occupational stress = tensión producida por el trabajo.

Example: To define occupational stress operationally, as experience by library media specialists, and to conduct systematic research, a psychometric instrument was developed.

» occupational therapist = terapeuta ocupacional.

Example: An occupational therapist is available to advise parents.

» occupational therapy = terapia ocupacional.

Example: This article reports the results of a study in which 9 periodicals and 3 trade newspapers were examined to find articles on the application of computers to occupational therapy.

» occupational title = denominación del puesto de trabajo. [Título del puesto de trabajo]

Example: The United States Labor Department has diligently worked on removing both age and sex reference from their official occupational titles in accordance with federal law and executive directives.
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