Occupancy in spanish


pronunciation: oʊkupɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

occupancy = ocupación. 

Example: The system provides real time monitoring of the occupancy of the library building.


» bed occupancy rate = tasa de ocupación.

Example: It shows that tourist bed occupancy rates were highest during summer months, when the majority of tourists visit seaside tourist resorts.

» double occupancy = en habitación doble, ocupación doble.

Example: The total sample size was 408 freshmen living in double occupancy rooms.

» hotel occupancy rate = tasa de ocupación hotelera.

Example: In San Francisco, the hotel occupancy rate is up, the room rates are higher, and there is an air of optimism about tourism.

» occupancy rate = tasa de ocupación.

Example: Average occupancy rates for Boston and Cambridge hotels increased over last year's numbers for the second month in a row.

» post-occupancy evaluation method = método de evaluación de un edificio en uso. [Método utilizado para evaluar la funcionalidad de un edificio una vez construido y en uso con objeto de introducir mejoras]

Example: The article is entitled 'Library design analysis using post-occupancy evaluation methods'.

» room occupancy rate = tasa de ocupación.

Example: This paper reports on a study about applying neural networks to the forecasting of room occupancy rates.

» single occupancy = en habitación individual, ocupación individual.

Example: The above rates are based on single occupancy and include breakfast.

Occupancy synonyms

occupation in spanish: ocupación, pronunciation: ɑkjəpeɪʃən part of speech: noun tenancy in spanish: tenencia, pronunciation: tenənsi part of speech: noun taking possession in spanish: tomar posesión, pronunciation: teɪkɪŋpəzeʃən part of speech: noun
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