Obliquely in spanish


pronunciation: oʊblikuɑmente part of speech: adverb
In gestures

obliquely = indirectamente, de soslayo. 

Example: Although both the above requests are for information about a particular subject, the first is stated obliquely and can be met relatively easily.


» obliquely-stressed = inclinado.

Example: The baroque designers retained the sloped and bracketed serifs that derived from obliquely-stressed pen forms.

Obliquely synonyms

sideways in spanish: oblicuo, pronunciation: saɪdweɪz part of speech: adverb athwart in spanish: transversalmente, pronunciation: əθwɔrt part of speech: adverb aslant in spanish: oblicuamente, pronunciation: æslənt part of speech: adverb sidelong in spanish: de soslayo, pronunciation: saɪdəlɔŋ part of speech: adjective
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