Nutrient in spanish


pronunciation: nutɹ̩itiboʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

nutrient = nutriente, nutrimento, sustancia nutritiva. 

Example: The second example retrieves records containing the term 'nutrient deficiencies' if those records are non-English.


» nutrient-poor = pobre en nutrientes.

Example: Essentially the average American diet is calorie rich and nutrient poor.

» nutrient-rich = rico en nutrientes.

Example: Tucked in the supermarket's produce display, somewhere between the lettuce and the broccoli, you'll find nutrient-rich Swiss chard.

» nutrient value = valor nutritivo, valor nutricional.

Example: Cooking foods in purified water pulls the minerals out of them and lowers their nutrient value = El cocinar comida en agua purificada extrae los minerales de los alimentos y baja su valor nutricional.

Nutrient synonyms

food in spanish: comida, pronunciation: fud part of speech: noun wholesome in spanish: saludable, pronunciation: hoʊlsəm part of speech: adjective alimentary in spanish: alimenticio, pronunciation: æləmentɜri part of speech: adjective nutritious in spanish: nutritivo, pronunciation: nutrɪʃəs part of speech: adjective nourishing in spanish: alimentando, pronunciation: nɜrɪʃɪŋ part of speech: adjective nutritive in spanish: nutritivo, pronunciation: nutrətɪv part of speech: adjective
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