Nutmeg in spanish

Nuez moscada

pronunciation: nueθmoʊskɑdɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

nutmeg1 = nuez moscada. 

Example: As you serve the fruit salad, sprinkle a little freshly grated nutmeg over each serving.

nutmeg2 = hacer un túnel a Alguien. [Término futbolístico. A veces abreviado a meg]

Example: I remember in high school we used to play a game where if you got nutmegged, you owed a bagel to the person who nutmegged you.

Nutmeg synonyms

myristica fragrans in spanish: Myristica Fragrans, pronunciation: mɪrɪstɪkəfreɪgrənz part of speech: noun nutmeg tree in spanish: árbol de nuez moscada, pronunciation: nʌtmegtri part of speech: noun
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