Nut in spanish


pronunciation: nueθ part of speech: noun
In gestures

nut1 = tuerca. 

Example: The movement of the bar turned the spindle through about ninety degrees, and the screw working in the nut caused it to descend about 15 mm.


» hexagonal nut = tuerca hexagonal.

Example: Today, the hexagonal nut is used more than any other kind of nut due to its sheer versatility.

» lug nut = tuerca de la rueda, tornillo de la rueda.

Example: Mechanics recommend checking tail lights, batteries, brakes, lug nuts, leaf springs, and tail pipes.

» nuts and bolts = aspectos básicos, lo básico, lo esencial, aspectos prácticos.

Example: This paper describes the nuts and bolts of evaluating children's books.

» shell of a nut = cáscara de una nuez.

Example: Chimpanzees break open the hard shells of nuts with sticks or smash them between two rocks.

» wing nut = tuerca de mariposa, tuerca de palometa.

Example: Rubber-coated handles where the front handle is ergonomically angled and fitted with a wing nut for quick adjustments without tools.

nut2 = fruto seco. 

Example: Nuts on the orchard floor gradually turn mouldy and rancid after a period of exposure to the orchard environment.


» as tough as nuts = más duro que una piedra, tan duro como una piedra, más duro que la suela de un zapato, tan duro como la suela de un zapato, carne de cañón.

Example: Not only was he talented, but he was tough as nuts and rarely has anyone personified grit and determination more than he.

» cashew nut = anacardo, nuez anacardo.

Example: Like calcium, magnesium is also important for bone health which is the main content in cashew nuts.

» chestnut = castaña.

Example: He successfully walks the tightrope between being a scholar and being a fan, delivering a book that makes chestnuts like The Wizard of Oz fresh and fun again.

» gallnut = agalla, cecidia. [Excrecencia que algunas plantas producen para defenderse de los ataques de algunos insectos, bacterias u hongos]

Example: He stretched as tall as he could, but the gallnuts hung just out of arm's reach, dangling from a branch above his head.

» groundnut = cacahuete.

Example: Samples of almond, groundnut, hazelnut, macademia, safflower, wheatgerm and virgin olive oil obtained from retail outlets in England and Wales were analysed.

» hard nut to crack = hueso duro de roer, problema difícil de resolver, duro de pelar.

Example: Realizing that the UK market was a very hard nut to crack he moved to Switzerland which was a safer bet but it also took him time.

» hazelnut = avellana.

Example: Samples of almond, groundnut, hazelnut, macademia, safflower, wheatgerm and virgin olive oil obtained from retail outlets in England and Wales were analysed.

» macadamia nut = macadamia.

Example: Macadamia nuts are harvested from the orchard floor either manually or by using mechanical sweepers.

» monkey nut = cacahuete. [Expresión británica usada para referirse al maní en su vaina]

Example: Monkey nuts are the best squirrel food if you want to enjoy these creatures playing and feeding in the garden.

» nut allergy = alergia a los frutos secos.

Example: When someone has a nut allergy, this usually lasts all their life.

» nutcrackers = cascanueces.

Example: Why use nutcrackers when you have a steam hammer at your disposal?.

» pecan nut = pacana, nuez pacana.

Example: The pecan nut was a major food source for the American Indians for thousands of years.

» pine nut = piñón.

Example: The delicate sole pairs perfectly with just a bit of fresh lemon and pine nuts.

» pistachio nut = pistacho.

Example: Like all nuts, pistachio nuts are an excellent source of protein.

» tigernut = chufa.

Example: The naturally sweet tigernut is a high-quality natural product with an unusually high proportion of fibre and an excellent nut-like taste.

» tough nut = hueso duro (de roer), duro de pelar.

Example: Getting a car loan has never been a tough nut for the residents of UK.

» tough nut to crack = hueso duro de roer, problema difícil de resolver, duro de pelar.

Example: Sudan's oil sector proves a hard nut to crack.

» use + a sledgehammer to crack a (wal)nut = matar moscas a cañonazos.

Example: But a father of one of the boys today accused the police of wasting their time and resources and for 'using a sledgehammer to crack a nut'.

» walnut = nuez.

Example: The camera hound of the future wears on his forehead a lump a little larger than a walnut.

nut3 = loco, chiflado. 

Example: The ratings war between TV programmes has produced an emphasis on 'nuts, sluts, & perverts' & their victims, & discussion of sexual problems are commonplace on TV talk shows.


» be nuts = estar como una cabra, estar loco de atar, estar loco perdido, estar chiflado, estar chalado, estar pirado, estar majareta, estar como un cencerro.

Example: Do you have to be nuts to be a genius?.

» be nuts about = estar loco por, volverse loco por, estar chalado por, estar chiflado por, estar pirado por, estar locamente enamorado de.

Example: Wow, Romeo certainly was nuts about Juliet!.

» drive + Alguien + nuts = volver a Alguien loco, exasperar a Alguien, sacar de quicio, sacar de las casillas, traer de cabeza.

Example: Jack's father and wife drove him nuts.

» go + nuts = volverse loco.

Example: Sometimes I go nuts when I stay inside for too long.

» go + nuts (over) = volverse loco, flipar con.

Example: When she discovered vintage comics and their lurid covers, she went nuts.

» off + Posesivo + nut = loco, chiflado, majareta, chalado, pirado, sonado, zumbado.

Example: A few years later Stewart went completely off his nut, staged a series of bombings, and wound up in prison after a bizarre kidnapping stunt.

» sports nut = loco del deporte, friki del deporte, fanático del deporte, maniático del deporte, maníaco del deporte, obseso del deporte.

Example: Loved by sports nuts and superstars, coconut water is the hot new health drink.

nuts1 = frutos secos. 

Example: Many patients who are allergic to pollen display symptoms even after the ingestion of fresh fruit, vegetables and nuts.

Nut synonyms

ball in spanish: bola, pronunciation: bɔl part of speech: noun egg in spanish: huevo, pronunciation: eg part of speech: noun crank in spanish: manivela, pronunciation: kræŋk part of speech: noun en in spanish: en, pronunciation: en part of speech: noun crackpot in spanish: chiflado, pronunciation: krækpɑt part of speech: noun testis in spanish: testículo, pronunciation: testɪs part of speech: noun gonad in spanish: gónada, pronunciation: goʊnæd part of speech: noun testicle in spanish: testículo, pronunciation: testɪkəl part of speech: noun screwball in spanish: excéntrico, pronunciation: skrubɔl part of speech: adjective, noun fruitcake in spanish: pastel de frutas, pronunciation: frutkeɪk part of speech: noun bollock in spanish: bollock, pronunciation: bɑlək part of speech: noun nutcase in spanish: pirado, pronunciation: nʌtkeɪs part of speech: noun ballock in spanish: ballock, pronunciation: bælək part of speech: noun
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