Nursing in spanish


pronunciation: enfeɹ̩meɹ̩iɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

nurse2 = atender, cuidar, criar, amamantar. 

Example: The author also evokes the story of the wolf who nursed Romulus and Remus in order to suggest the barbarity of Renaissance Rome.


» nurse + a wound = convalecer de una herida, cuidarse una herida.

Example: Nursing a wound after a bullet went through his right ankle, he ended up witnessing the massacre from his hiding place on the rooftop of his house.

» nurse + a wound = lamerse las heridas, recobrarse de un golpe.

Example: She's nursing a wound and she doesn't need somebody like you to add fuel to the fire.

» nurse + Nombre + back to health = cuidar a Alguien hasta su recuperación.

Example: When some of the parrots got sick, he nursed them back to health, and they in turn brought him back to life.

» nurse + Nombre + to sleep = hacer que Alguien se quede dormido. [Usado generamente para los bebés]

Example: We watched Alice in Wonderland together the last time I nursed him to sleep.

nurse3 = abrigar, albergar. 

Example: Not the least of its advantages is its maximum visibility to other library users, perhaps nursing unasked questions of their own.


» nurse + a grudge = guardar rencor, guardar resentimiento, guardar rencilla.

Example: Another problem was nursing a grudge, making friends with the enemies to get back to someone whom she thought was a thorn in her flesh.

nursing = enfermería. 

Example: These data bases include MEDLINE, which gives references in all aspects of medicine, psychology, physiology, pharmacology, veterinary science, dentistry and nursing.


» neurological nursing = enfermería neurológica.

Example: This paper identifies library resources that have been reliably recommended to assist those involved with neurology, neurosurgery, neurological nursing and allied electrodiagnostic and rehabilitative services.

» nursing care = cuidados de enfermería.

Example: This article examines how public hospitals can organize information for administration, medicine, science, nursing care and technology.

» nursing education = formación en enfermería.

Example: For instance, in the sample search, both the terms MEDICAL EDUCATION and nursing education might be pertinent.

» nursing home = residencia de ancianos.

Example: The library may circulate materials at off-site outlets such as shopping malls, community facilities, nursing homes, jails, and so forth.

» nursing librarianship = biblioteconomía para enfermería, biblioteconomía especializada en documentación para enfermería.

Example: Most respondents felt the profession was still considered to be female-dominated, especially in, e.g., areas like nursing librarianship.

» nursing mother = madre en período de lactancia.

Example: This program was designed to provide food and nutrition information for low-income pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children up to age 4.

» nursing student = estudiante de enfermería.

Example: Today one of the nursing students was slapped in the face by a grumpy old man.

» nursing woman = mujer en período de lactancia.

Example: It is especially important, therefore, for pregnant and nursing women to supplement their diets.
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