Nurse in spanish


pronunciation: enfeɹ̩meɹ̩ɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

nurse1 = enfermera, enfermero. 

Example: The last of the primary operators, 6, prefaces terms which describe either the form (e.g. that it is a dictionary or bibliography) or the target audience (e.g. that it is intended for nurses or midwives) of the document.


» army nurse = enfermera militar.

Example: One of the images found in the Australian War Memorial's collection is that of heroic Australian army nurse Vivian Bullwinkel, the sole survivor of the Banka (Sumatra) massacre of World War II.

» bedside nurse = enfermera de planta.

Example: This landmark legal settlement comes at a time when there is already an intense shortage of bedside nurses throughout the country.

» dental nurse = enfermero dental, higienista dental.

Example: As a result, job centres must treat employers looking for a prostitute in the same way as those looking for a dental nurse.

» staff nurse = enfermera, enfermero.

Example: Expecting to go to America with her boyfriend, staff nurse Sally Chalmers burnt her boats and resigned her job only to be left behind!.

» wet-nurse = nodriza, ama de cría.

Example: Traditionally, Malaysian women breast-feed their infants for an extended period of time; only elite Chinese women resort to a wet-nurse.

nurse2 = atender, cuidar, criar, amamantar. 

Example: The author also evokes the story of the wolf who nursed Romulus and Remus in order to suggest the barbarity of Renaissance Rome.


» nurse + a wound = convalecer de una herida, cuidarse una herida.

Example: Nursing a wound after a bullet went through his right ankle, he ended up witnessing the massacre from his hiding place on the rooftop of his house.

» nurse + a wound = lamerse las heridas, recobrarse de un golpe.

Example: She's nursing a wound and she doesn't need somebody like you to add fuel to the fire.

» nurse + Nombre + back to health = cuidar a Alguien hasta su recuperación.

Example: When some of the parrots got sick, he nursed them back to health, and they in turn brought him back to life.

» nurse + Nombre + to sleep = hacer que Alguien se quede dormido. [Usado generamente para los bebés]

Example: We watched Alice in Wonderland together the last time I nursed him to sleep.

nurse3 = abrigar, albergar. 

Example: Not the least of its advantages is its maximum visibility to other library users, perhaps nursing unasked questions of their own.


» nurse + a grudge = guardar rencor, guardar resentimiento, guardar rencilla.

Example: Another problem was nursing a grudge, making friends with the enemies to get back to someone whom she thought was a thorn in her flesh.

Nurse synonyms

hold in spanish: sostener, pronunciation: hoʊld part of speech: verb, noun harbor in spanish: puerto, pronunciation: hɑrbɜr part of speech: noun suck in spanish: chupar, pronunciation: sʌk part of speech: verb, noun entertain in spanish: entretener, pronunciation: entɜrteɪn part of speech: verb harbour in spanish: puerto, pronunciation: hɑrbɜr part of speech: noun nanny in spanish: niñera, pronunciation: næni part of speech: noun suckle in spanish: amamantar, pronunciation: sʌkəl part of speech: verb lactate in spanish: lactato, pronunciation: lækteɪt part of speech: verb breastfeed in spanish: amamantar, pronunciation: brestfid part of speech: verb nursemaid in spanish: niñera, pronunciation: nɜrsmeɪd part of speech: noun wet-nurse in spanish: enfermera humeda, pronunciation: wetnɜrs part of speech: noun, verb give suck in spanish: dar chupar, pronunciation: gɪvsʌk part of speech: verb

Nurse antonyms

bottlefeed pronunciation: bɑtəlfid part of speech: verb
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