Numeral in spanish


pronunciation: numeɹ̩oʊ part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

numeral = número. 

Example: Records can be retrieved by character strings (that is, sequences of letters and numerals).


» anterior numeral class = clase anterior.

Example: Apart from the main classes (A/Z) outlined above, there are the anterior numeral classes (1/9) which correspond in many ways to the Generalia classes in other schemes.

» Arabic numeral = número arábigo.

Example: There are only two sets of symbols whose orders are reasonably universally recognised: the letters of the Roman alphabet (either small or capitals), and Arabic numerals.

» BS (British Standard) 1749: Recommendations for alphabetical arrangement and the filing order of numerals and symbols = Norma Británica 1749: Recomendaciones para la ordenación alfabética y el orden de intercalación de números y símbolos.

Example: 'BS (British Standard) 1749: Recommendations for alphabetical arrangement and the filing order of numerals and symbols' was originally published in 1951 as a specification for 'alphabetical arrangement'.

» numeral system = sistema de numeración.

Example: The Basque numeral system is vigesimal.

» roman numeral = número romano.

Example: Within the classes, roman numerals are used for subfacets and foci.

» subscript numeral = subíndice, base de un número.

Example: The ALA Rules provide guidance on how to file fractions and superscript and subscript numerals.

» superscript numeral = superíndice, exponente de un número.

Example: The ALA Rules provide guidance on how to file fractions and superscript and subscript numerals.

Numeral synonyms

number in spanish: número, pronunciation: nʌmbɜr part of speech: noun numerical in spanish: numérico, pronunciation: numerəkəl part of speech: adjective numeric in spanish: numérico, pronunciation: numerɪk part of speech: adjective
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