Numbering in spanish


pronunciation: numeɹ̩ɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

number2 = numerar, contar, contabilizar. 

Example: I would therefore like to give a blanket thankyou to everyone who has talked or written to me in my research and they must now number thousands rather than hundreds.

numbering = numeración. 

Example: Note the method of page numbering employed.


» numbering of parts = numeración de las partes. [Numeración de cada una de las partes de una publicación en varios volúmenes]

Example: The numbering of each part of a multi-volume publication is known as the numbering of parts.

» numbering scheme = sistema de numeración, sistema numérico.

Example: The volume increment gives information about the numbering scheme for volumes.

» numbering system = sistema de numeración, sistema numérico.

Example: Hexadecimal: a numbering system to base sixteen that uses the numbers 0-9 and letters A-F = Hexadecimal: un sistema de numeración de base diecisésis que usa los números del 0 al 9 y las letras de la A a la F.

» page numbering = numeración de páginas.

Example: Standard features of text formatting are: left and right margins, line spacing, page-breaks, page size, page numbering and justification.

Numbering synonyms

enumeration in spanish: enumeración, pronunciation: ɪnumɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun
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