Nuisance in spanish


pronunciation: moʊlestiɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

nuisance = molestia, fastidio, incordio, engorro, plasta, pesado, coñazo, murga, tabarra, empacho, malasombra, malafollá, pejiguera. 

Example: However, delays in the generation of centralised records can be a considerable nuisance.


» be a (real) nuisance = dar la murga, ser un incordio, ser una molestia, ser un pesado, ser un fastidio, ser un engorro, ser un plasta, ser un coñazo.

Example: The passenger sitting next to me was a real nuisance.

» be (such) a nuisance = ser una molestia, ser un fastidio, ser un incordio, ser un engorro, ser un plasta, ser un coñazo, dar la lata.

Example: She came down, supposedly to help, but was such a nuisance that I was glad when she went away.

» nuisance, the = personas molestas, las; pesados, los. [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]

Example: Essentially, problem patrons can be considered in three groups: (1) the dangerous or apparently dangerous; (2) the patron who disrupts readers; and (3) the nuisance whose focus is the librarian.

Nuisance synonyms

pain in spanish: dolor, pronunciation: peɪn part of speech: noun bother in spanish: molestia, pronunciation: bɑðɜr part of speech: verb annoyance in spanish: molestia, pronunciation: ənɔɪəns part of speech: noun botheration in spanish: molestia, pronunciation: bɔθɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun pain in the neck in spanish: dolor en el cuello, pronunciation: peɪnɪnðənek part of speech: noun pain in the ass in spanish: joda, pronunciation: peɪnɪnðəæs part of speech: noun
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