Nugget in spanish


pronunciation: pepitɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

nugget = algo muy valioso, perla, pepita. 

Example: Additionally, we were hoping to discover where and to what extent literature nuggets are hidden in non-LIS databases.


» chicken nugget = nugget de pollo, pepita de pollo.

Example: He replied that children should not eat any form of reconstituted meat, of mechanically recovered meat, such as chicken nuggets.

» nugget of gold = pepita de oro. [Metafóricamente, algo muy valioso]

Example: They do have the problem, however, of being able to sort out the nuggets of literary gold from amongst the torrents of published dross.

» nugget of information = información valiosísima.

Example: As mentioned before, reference departments often maintain files of such nuggets of information.

» nuggets of truth = verdades eternas, consejos sabios, palabras sabias.

Example: Somewhere down in the depths of the chaos, there are nuggets of truth -- you just have to dig a long way to find them!.

» nuggets of wisdom = consejos sabios, palabras sabias, dicho sabio.

Example: It is clear that the author is not short of ideas and the book contains plenty of nuggets of wisdom and suggestions for improvements.
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