Nub in spanish


pronunciation: pɹ̩oʊtubeɹ̩ɑnθiɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

nub = bultito, protuberancia pequeña, pelotita, chichoncito. 

Example: Between 11-13 weeks, all babies are said to have a 'nub' between their legs, and the angle of the nub will indicate whether it's a boy or girl.


» the nub of the matter = el fondo de la cuestión, el fondo del asunto, el quid de la cuestión, el quid del asunto, el meollo de la cuestión, el meollo del asunto.

Example: The nub of the matter is that you and I are in a position of relative privilege and power compared to the rest of the world.

» the nub of the problem = el fondo del problema, el quid del problema, el meollo del problema.

Example: If you ask me, the nub of the problem is voter apathy.

» the nub of the question = el fondo de la cuestión, el fondo del asunto, el quid de la cuestión, el quid del asunto, el meollo de la cuestión, el meollo del asunto.

Example: The nub of the question is the relationship between truth and history.

Nub synonyms

heart in spanish: corazón, pronunciation: hɑrt part of speech: noun center in spanish: centrar, pronunciation: sentɜr part of speech: noun core in spanish: núcleo, pronunciation: kɔr part of speech: noun essence in spanish: esencia, pronunciation: esəns part of speech: noun gist in spanish: esencia, pronunciation: dʒɪst part of speech: noun substance in spanish: sustancia, pronunciation: sʌbstəns part of speech: noun meat in spanish: carne, pronunciation: mit part of speech: noun sum in spanish: suma, pronunciation: sʌm part of speech: noun marrow in spanish: médula, pronunciation: meroʊ part of speech: noun stub in spanish: talón, pronunciation: stʌb part of speech: noun kernel in spanish: núcleo, pronunciation: kɜrnəl part of speech: noun pith in spanish: médula, pronunciation: pɪθ part of speech: noun nitty-gritty in spanish: meollo, pronunciation: nɪtigrɪti part of speech: noun inwardness in spanish: espiritualidad, pronunciation: ɪnwɜrdnəs part of speech: noun
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