Now! in spanish


pronunciation: ɑoʊɹ̩ɑ part of speech: adverb
In gestures

now1 = ahora, en la actualidad. 

Example: The article 'The ABC of CD: where is CD-ROM now?' is a basic introduction to CD-ROMs.


» a few days from now = dentro de unos días, en un par de días, en un par de días a partir de ahora, de aquí a unos días.

Example: A few days from now you will be facing up to your boss for annual appraisal.

» any day now = cualquier día de éstos, cualquiera de estos días, un día de éstos, en cualquier momento, de hoy para mañana.

Example: She is due to give birth any day now and was spotted out spending some quality time with her husband.

» as of now = hasta la presente, por ahora, hasta el presente.

Example: As of now, more than 634,000 LC records for monographs, serials, films, and maps are in MARC form.

» as of now = a partir de ahora.

Example: Public inputs received on proposed new methodologies will be as of now available in the CDM web site.

» as of right now = por ahora.

Example: But, as of right now, despite all of the interest, I do not know of a library relying exclusively on an online catalog.

» before now = antes, antes de ahora.

Example: OSI offers immense potential for the creation of the global 'virtual library', a network in which libraries are extensively and transparently connected to offer their patrons a wealth and breadth of information that has been inconceivable before now.

» between then and now = desde entonces (y) hasta ahora.

Example: Between then and now I have visited Europe for vacation nine or ten times.

» bye for now = adiós, hasta pronto.

Example: 'Bye for now,' he said with a smile.

» by now = hasta ahora, por ahora, ya, a estas alturas.

Example: It will be evident by now that the microcomputer market is a complex place.

» every now and again = de vez en cuando, alguna que otra vez, de cuando en cuando, cada cuando, cada cierto tiempo, de trecho en trencho, de tanto en tanto, cada tanto, cada tanto tiempo, a cada rato.

Example: Every now and again, someone gets the fame they deserve.

» every now and then = de vez en cuando, alguna que otra vez, de cuando en cuando, cada cuando, cada cierto tiempo, de trecho en trencho, de tanto en tanto, cada tanto, cada tanto tiempo, a cada rato.

Example: I can walk on that foot, but as you described, every now and then without warning, the foot and ankle give way.

» for a week now = hace ahora una semana, desde hace una semana.

Example: I have been trying to do the dog paddle for a week now and I am absolutely unable to get my head out of the water to breathe.

» for many years now = desde hace muchos años.

Example: For many years now, scientists have understood that the onset of cancer is a gradual, stepwise process that may unfold over the course of decades.

» for months now = hace meses, hace meses ahora.

Example: I have what I think is a hurt tendon and the pain has been going on for months now.

» for now = por ahora.

Example: But for now, having fun and feeling famous will do quite well enough.

» for quite a while now = ya hace bastante tiempo.

Example: In Sweden, for quite a while now, the cataloging of the National Library and the tapes of abstracting and indexing services have been merged into one system.

» for some time now = desde hace ya algún tiempo, de un tiempo a esta parte, de algún tiempo a esta parte.

Example: The new Dewey area tables have been used for some time now in the BL's Bibliographic Services Division with relatively few problems.

» for some years now = desde hace ya algunos años.

Example: For some years now, there has been proof that the devastating effects of the traumatization of children take their inevitable toll on society.

» for years now = desde hace ya años.

Example: Secondly, we have been beaten with the idea for years now that we should catalog a work once and only once.

» from now on = de ahora en adelante, a partir de ahora.

Example: From now on we will refer to library catalogues simply as catalogues.

» from now onward(s) = de ahora en adelante, desde ahora en adelante, a partir de ahora.

Example: From now onwards you're going to spend most of your life at work so it's much better to be involved in something you love.

» have + now + been + for + Expresión Temporal = ya + lleva + desde hace + Expresión Temporal.

Example: The ISDS has now been in operation for over ten years.

» in a few days from now = dentro de unos días, en un par de días, en un par de días a partir de ahora, de aquí a unos días.

Example: Asin is keeping her fingers crossed -- the verdict will be out in a few days from now.

» just now = ahora mismo, justo ahora.

Example: I was struck by some of the techniques that you have presented just now on the screen.

» now and again = de vez en cuando, cada dos por tres, de tanto en tanto.

Example: Such paper was rarely made, but may now and again be found with the watermark in the middle, or next to an edge, of the sheet.

» now and then = de vez en cuando.

Example: All talk now and then wanders down byways, for a moment or two, during which the participants gather themselves for a fresh attack on the main subject.

» now more than ever = ahora más que nunca.

Example: A phenomenon as old as humanity, megalomania has become, now more than ever, an attitude reflective of our contemporary culture.

» now-oriented = orientado al presente.

Example: Also, public library collections are literally dynamic, they turn over rapidly, and they are now-oriented.

» now or never = ahora o nunca.

Example: Live for the moment -- it's now or never so let's stand together.

» now that I think of it = ahora que lo pienso.

Example: Now that I come to think of it, I have the distinct impression that this has been going on for some time but I'm only now really noticing it.

» now you see it, now you don't = visto y no visto.

Example: Now You See It, Now You Don't: This tutorial shows you how you can make objects on your page appear and disappear.

» pay now or pay later = lo barato sale caro.

Example: With a 'pay-now-or-pay-later' mentality, managers can spend pennies on the dollar for preventive maintenance, or spend up to eight dollars or more to do system replacement later.

» right now = ahora mismo, justo ahora, en este momento.

Example: At these words he gulped loudly, spilling his coffee recklessly, and then said 'Right now!'.

» some years ago now = hace ya algunos años.

Example: Some years ago now I observed the multitude of errors that I had accepted as true in my earliest years.

» then as now = entonces al igual que ahora.

Example: In fact, then as now, a publisher, to achieve success, needed charm, financial acumen, a knowledge of the future, a stony heart, and a very rich wife.

» the worst is over now = lo peor ya ha pasado.

Example: The worst is over now and I wish you all the luck in the world.

» till now = hasta ahora.

Example: Till now the comfort of fans has been the last thing on the minds of many clubs.

» TTFN (Ta Ta For Now) = TTFN (Adiós por Ahora). [En Internet, siglas que se usan en los mensajes del correo electrónico para despedirse]

Example: TTFN (Ta Ta For Now) is a shorthand appended to a comment written in an online forum.

» until now = hasta ahora, hasta aquí, hasta el presente.

Example: Until now, librarians have not been concerned with providing access to faculty owned collections.

» up till now = hasta ahora.

Example: Nevertheless, femininity has up till now always been the dominant trait of the alienation of women, and masculinity that of men.

» up to now = hasta ahora, hasta la fecha, hasta hoy, hasta la presente, hasta el presente, hasta la actualidad.

Example: What is going to happen to those records that have been produced up to now under superimposition and therefore have headings that were created according to the ALA 1949 or even according to earlier codes?.

» up until now = hasta ahora.

Example: However, there are weaknesses with the formal notations used up until now.

now2 = ahora bien. 

Example: Now we are concerned in this work with the organisation of knowledge and information retrieval in a specific context.


» now as to = en cuanto a, en lo que respecta a, por lo que respecta a, con respecto a, en lo que se refiere a, en lo referido a, en lo referente a.

Example: Now as to the country of Samaria, it lies between Judea and Galilee and is made up hills and valleys.

» now then = entonces pues.

Example: Now then, I'm here to 'recruit' (not sure if that's the correct word) some intelligent players to play the game with.
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