Novelty in spanish


pronunciation: noʊbedɑd part of speech: noun
In gestures

novelty = novedad. 

Example: IT can motivate children, provide a 'novelty' factor to enliven routine work and serve as a bridge between the classroom and the library.


» novelty appeal = atractivo novedoso, atractivo de la novedad.

Example: Skiffle took off thanks to the growing availability of cheap acoustic guitars and the novelty appeal of home-made instruments.

» novelty shop = tienda de novedades, tienda de artículos para regalo, tienda de regalos.

Example: Novelty shops for pets are sprouting around Taiwan as more people are willing to spend more on their animals.

» novelty value = valor de la novedad, atractivo de la novedad.

Example: We're all familiar with the idea of novelty value and how it wears off with time.

» novelty + wear off = dejar de ser novedad, la novedad + pasarse.

Example: Time will tell if the novelty wears off for me.

Novelty synonyms

bauble in spanish: chuchería, pronunciation: bɔbəl part of speech: noun trinket in spanish: baratija, pronunciation: trɪŋkət part of speech: noun bangle in spanish: brazalete, pronunciation: bæŋgəl part of speech: noun gewgaw in spanish: baratija, pronunciation: gjugɑ part of speech: noun gaud in spanish: chuchería, pronunciation: gɔd part of speech: noun freshness in spanish: frescura, pronunciation: freʃnəs part of speech: noun fallal in spanish: bajada, pronunciation: fæləl part of speech: noun
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