Novel in spanish


pronunciation: noʊbelɑ part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

novel1 = novela. 

Example: One part of a novel or long text may be read in order to whet the listeners' appetites for reading the book themselves.


» chivalric novel = novela de caballería.

Example: A clear pattern of innovation and survival was indeed found, with the chivalric novel continuing to be popular, and the classic religious texts falling away.

» crime novel = novela policíaca, novela negra.

Example: She plays Sarah Morton, a prim and proper British author who has written a successful series of crime novels.

» Posesivo + debut novel = Posesivo + primera novela.

Example: He announced earlier this year that he was half-way through writing his debut novel.

» detective novel = novela policíaca.

Example: However, some readers frame their fiction requests differently and may say, 'I like to read detective novels'.

» dime and nickel novel = novela a duro.

Example: Beadle and Adams of New York's 'dime and nickel novels' included both new books and pirated English novels retailing as paperbacks at 10 cents a volume.

» fantasy novel = novela de fantasía.

Example: The author studies the main features of Andre Malraux's early quasi surrealist fantasy novel: Le Royaume Farfelu (Kingdom of the bizarre).

» Gothic novel = novela gótica.

Example: There is much slavering, kinky enjoyment of Diana's torments, a quality shared with the Gothic novel.

» graphic novel = fotonovela, novela gráfica. [Comic con encuadernación en rústica de calidad]

Example: Like European and Japanese prototypes, these new-wave comic books may appear in magazine or quality paperback format, often called 'graphic novels'.

» Harlequin Romance novel = novela rosa Harlequín. [Tipo de novela rosa americana]

Example: Seventy-two women from the ages of 18 to 70 read a Harlequin Romance novel by Sue Byfield.

» historical novel = novela histórica.

Example: Librarians may group novels of a certain type together, eg all the love stories, all the westerns, all the detective stories, all the historical novels, and so on.

» horror novel = novela de terror.

Example: She has made people quake with fear and roar with laughter since 1986, when her first horror novel hit bookstores.

» literary novel = novela literaria.

Example: Literary novels do not set out simply to entertain and give enjoyment; indeed they can be tremendously depressing.

» mystery novel = novela de misterio.

Example: The author reports on the success of regional mystery novels in the USA in recent years.

» period novel = novela de época.

Example: The symbol for easy reading historical and period novels would be F8a.

» romance novel = novela romántica.

Example: This article discusses the place of teenage romance novels in the school library.

» romantic novel = novela romántica.

Example: Its popularity is attested to by its enormous sales which clearly indicate that for many women a new romantic novel is worth the outlay of a certain sum of money.

» science fiction novel = novela de ciencia ficción.

Example: The article 'Future tense: science fiction confronts the new science' reviews recent science fiction novels for young adults that deal with artificial intelligence, robotics and genetic engineering.

» serialised novel = novela seriada. [Novela publicada en partes]

Example: The success of the shilling part-issues of the 1840s prompted the appearance of shilling magazines carrying two or three serialized novels in each monthly number, and these in turn recaptured the bulk of the serial fiction market from the part-issues during the 1860s.

» sports novel = novela de deporte.

Example: Naturally, one thinks of sports novels in the gym and biographies of scientists in the labs.

» spy novel = novela de espionaje.

Example: It may seem superficially that one book on cookery is just like another or that one modern spy novel is really no different from six others of that genre, but this is not so.

» terror novel = novela de terror.

Example: Gericault's paintings of severed heads and limbs explored the taste for the macabre and uncanny rampant in the popular terror novels of his time.

» thematic novel = novela temática. [Novela cuyo contenido gira en torno a un tema de interés, generalmente por su conflictividad]

Example: Think, for example, of many of the thematic novels about moral conflict published during the past twenty years.

novel2 = novedoso. 

Example: Among the documents that are worthy of consideration for abstracting are the novel contributions to a given field of endeavour.

Novel synonyms

new in spanish: nuevo, pronunciation: nu part of speech: adjective fresh in spanish: Fresco, pronunciation: freʃ part of speech: adjective original in spanish: original, pronunciation: ɜrɪdʒənəl part of speech: adjective refreshing in spanish: refrescante, pronunciation: rɪfreʃɪŋ part of speech: adjective
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