Noun in spanish


pronunciation: sustɑntiboʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

noun = nombre. 

Example: Such lists will embody for example, singular or plural, nouns or adjectives.


» countable noun = nombre contable.

Example: Countable nouns typically occur as discrete units that can be counted, whereas uncountable nouns, also called mass nouns, are typically substances or concepts.

» mass noun = nombre incontable, nombre no contable, nombre de masa.

Example: Countable nouns typically occur as discrete units that can be counted, whereas uncountable nouns, also called mass nouns, are typically substances or concepts.

» noun form = forma nominal.

Example: Sometimes the noun form is used, sometimes the adjectival, eg 'Abdomen - diseases' but 'Abdominal pain'; 'Thorax (Zoology)' but 'Thorax, Human' see 'Chest and Thoracic duct'.

» noun phrase = sintagma nominal, frase nominal.

Example: Terms in the form of noun phrases or singles words are 'tagged' with angular brackets, < and >, question mark, ?, or the @ symbol and the program responds to these by permuting the phrases in various ways to produce the index.

» uncountable noun = nombre incontable, nombre no contable.

Example: Countable nouns typically occur as discrete units that can be counted, whereas uncountable nouns, also called mass nouns, are typically substances or concepts.

» verbal noun = nombre verbal. [Nombre derivado del participio de presente o gerundio de un verbo; por ejemplo cataloguing (catalogación)]

Example: Activities are usually denoted by verbal nouns, eg building, lubricating, though in some cases we may find the passive rather than the active form, eg lubrication.
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