Notion in spanish


pronunciation: noʊθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

notion = noción, idea. 

Example: A focus conveys the key or principal notion of a concept.


» accept + a notion = aceptar una idea.

Example: As the services prove their value and as librarians and their clientele continue to push for subsidization, society and the legislators will gradually accept the notion that at least some of these new expensive services are deserving of support.

» discount + a notion = descartar una idea.

Example: The Western concept of development necessarily implies affluence, and discounts the notion that poverty, when allied to dignity, can in itself be a value worth cultivating.

» lose + all notion of time = perder la noción del tiempo, perder el sentido del tiempo, írsele a Uno el santo al cielo.

Example: Deep meditation can also make us lose all notion of time because our mental activity is situated on the subconscious level.

» notion of time = noción del tiempo, sentido del tiempo.

Example: But, in 1905, Einstein changed altogether our notion of time.

» quarrel with + notion = refutar una idea.

Example: He wasn't necessarily quarreling with the notion of three levels.

» reinforce + notion = reforzar una idea.

Example: This fact further reinforces the notion that Western Europeans 'civilized' the world in the best interests of us -- the majority -- all.

» sell + a notion = convencer.

Example: We are having to undertake a programme of effectively selling the notion to various schools within the university, to ensure some acceptance of ejournals when they duly arrive.

» support + Posesivo + notion = corroborar + Posesivo + noción.

Example: Empirical evidence collected from a variety of disciplines over the years, however, does not support the notion that sex is a predictor of productivity.

Notion synonyms

belief in spanish: creencia, pronunciation: bɪlif part of speech: noun impression in spanish: impresión, pronunciation: ɪmpreʃən part of speech: noun whim in spanish: capricho, pronunciation: wɪm part of speech: noun feeling in spanish: sensación, pronunciation: filɪŋ part of speech: noun whimsy in spanish: capricho, pronunciation: wɪmsi part of speech: noun notions in spanish: nociones, pronunciation: noʊʃənz part of speech: noun whimsey in spanish: capricho, pronunciation: wɪmzi part of speech: noun
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