Notification in spanish


pronunciation: noʊtifikɑθioʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

notification = notificación, nota. 

Example: The search profile will only be modified periodically as the quality of the set of notifications output from the search drops to unacceptable levels.


» official notification = nota oficial, notificación oficial.

Example: Australian government gazettes are the main vehicles for official announcements and notifications by the federal and state executives.

» without prior notification = sin previo aviso.

Example: Programme schedules are subject to change without prior notification.

Notification synonyms

notice in spanish: darse cuenta, pronunciation: noʊtəs part of speech: noun, verb telling in spanish: narración, pronunciation: telɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective presentment in spanish: presentación, pronunciation: prizentmənt part of speech: noun apprisal in spanish: Apreciación, pronunciation: əprɪzəl part of speech: noun notifying in spanish: notificando, pronunciation: noʊtəfaɪɪŋ part of speech: verb
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