Notice in spanish

darse cuenta

pronunciation: dɑɹ̩sekuentɑ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

notice1 = nota, letrero, aviso, anuncio, apercibimiento, notificación. 

Example: Notices may be useful in this context for the user who wishes to familiarise himself with the workings of the catalogue before approaching a terminal.


» at a few + Expresión Temporal + notice = con unos cuantos + Expresión de Tiempo + de antelación.

Example: A book fair cannot be put on at a few days' notice.

» at a moment's notice = en un instante, en nada de tiempo.

Example: Be sure any mechanical equipment required (tape machines, film projectors, etc.) does actually work, can be replaced at a moment's notice if it breaks down, and is handled by a competent operator.

» at (a) very short notice = con muy poca antelación, con muy poca anticipación, con un plazo de tiempo muy corto.

Example: I am available weekday evenings and weekends and can work at very short notice.

» at short notice = sin mucha antelación, sin mucha anticipación, sin demora, a corto plazo, de un modo rápido.

Example: Each of the experts is available for telephone consultation at short notice.

» at such short notice = con tan poca antelación, con tan poca anticipación, con un plazo de tiempo tan corto.

Example: Cancellations after this date cannot be transferred to a future course because places cannot be filled at such short notice.

» be (too) short notice = ser muy precipitado, ser demasiado precipitado.

Example: I was going to suggest this Sunday but that may be too short notice for most.

» bring to + notice = hacer notar.

Example: This risk I gladly accept in the hope that I have succeeded in bringing to your notice the fact that there is an ailment here, however indifferent my diagnosis may have been, and by provoking thought on the matter.

» bring to + Posesivo + notice = hacer ver, hacer notar, indicar, señalar.

Example: One moonlight night Sweeny was brought to our notice by his ejaculations of impatience at being obliged to come to a dead halt.

» come to + Posesivo + notice = llegar noticias, enterarse.

Example: There is another important difference between electronic documents and all the types of library material that preceded them and it centers on how electronic resources come to our notice.

» convening notice = convocatoria de reunión.

Example: Convening notices, together with the agenda, shall be sent by the secretariat at least 4 months prior to the date of the meeting to all members in good standing.

» escape + notice = pasar inadvertido.

Example: Finally, a few copies of an edition seem generally to have slipped through with their cancellanda uncancelled, so that examples of the original settings may sometimes be found (occasionally slashed by the warehouse keeper's shears, deliberate defacement which escaped notice).

» eviction notice = apercibimiento de desahucio, apercibimiento de desalojo.

Example: Very few forcible evictions are performed, with the result that nearly 14,000 families continue to live in their apartments after being served eviction notices.

» give + notice = dar aviso.

Example: This booklet covers how to give notice, legal ways to move out early, and what can happen if you do not follow the rules about moving out.

» help wanted notice = anuncio de trabajo, oferta de trabajo. [Anuncio que comienza con las palabras "se busca" para solicitar algún tipo de servicio]

Example: People are checking over the giant noticeboard of community events, 'for sale,' 'ads,' and 'help wanted' notices.

» information notice = nota informativa.

Example: In Sweden the cataloging of the National Library and the tapes of abstracting and indexing services have been merged into one system for searching and for selective dissemination of information notices.

» legal notice = aviso legal.

Example: He has called a foul on the council for hiding the third tax increase in the fine print of the legal notices of the newspaper.

» NOTAM (Notice for Airmen) = notam, aviso para los aviadores.

Example: NOTAMs (Notices to Airmen) are notices issued by the authorities to inform pilots of new or changed aeronautical facilities, services, procedures or hazards, temporary or permanent.

» notice of demand = notificación de demanda.

Example: The amount specified in the notice of demand shall be paid within 30 days of the service of the notice at the place and to the person mentioned in the notice.

» overdue notice = aviso de vencimiento.

Example: Overdue, recall, and other notices and listings are an important part of circulation, acquisition, and periodicals procedures.

» post + a notice = poner un letrero.

Example: As of this month, all public schools are required to post notices informing students of their rights to clean and safe classrooms.

» put + Nombre + on notice = advertir, avisar, prevenir.

Example: I put you on notice that you may argue till the cows come home about Jabari having blood on his hands, but the plain truth in this case is that Jabari and Hamas were honoring the ceasefire.

» put up + a notice = poner una señal, poner un letrero.

Example: My employer just put up a notice that we only get one smoke break per shift, and that our 30 minute break counts as our smoke break.

» recall notice = reclamación.

Example: The mail lag in days is the time required for a recall notice to be delivered and for a borrower to return the document to the library.

» receive + notice = recibir notificación.

Example: The director went on: 'I received notice in today's mail that our library has been given a $75,000 award to fund a really impressive public relations campaign'.

» reminder notice = recordatorio, aviso.

Example: The circulation staff also looks after overdues -- sending out reminder notices, making follow-up telephone calls, etc..

» safety notice = señal de advertencia.

Example: Illiteracy amounts to being unable to read the instructions on a medicine bottle, or to address an envelope, or to read a safety notice.

» until further notice = hasta nuevo aviso.

Example: I have been appointed Acting Secretary General until further notice.

» without (any) further notice = sin previo aviso.

Example: We reserve the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein.

» without any notice = sin avisar, sin previo aviso.

Example: Passangers were upset when the airline decided to stop honoring its drink coupons without any notice.

» without much notice = casi sin previo aviso.

Example: Under most circumstances disasters happen quickly and without much notice.

» without notice = sin avisar, sin previo aviso.

Example: All programmes, events and tours are subject to change and/or cancellation without notice.

» without prior notice = sin previo aviso.

Example: This paper presents the views of four general education teachers who without prior notice or training were assigned to teach special education classes.

notice2 = observar, notar, percibir. 

Example: Notice that records 2 and 4 do not appear on the directory.


» cannot but notice = no poder evitar mencionar, no poder dejar de mencionar.

Example: Unfortunately, we cannot but notice that the letter of the State Secretary contains much false information and contradictions.

» couldn't help but notice (that) = no pude evitar notar que.

Example: Anyway, I was living there for a while (in New Zealand) and couldn't help but notice lots of people using these yoghurt makers.

Notice synonyms

mark in spanish: marca, pronunciation: mɑrk part of speech: noun, verb note in spanish: Nota, pronunciation: noʊt part of speech: noun, verb card in spanish: tarjeta, pronunciation: kɑrd part of speech: noun comment in spanish: comentario, pronunciation: kɑment part of speech: noun, verb find in spanish: encontrar, pronunciation: faɪnd part of speech: verb bill in spanish: cuenta, pronunciation: bɪl part of speech: noun acknowledge in spanish: reconocer, pronunciation: æknɑlɪdʒ part of speech: verb observe in spanish: observar, pronunciation: əbzɜrv part of speech: verb discover in spanish: descubrir, pronunciation: dɪskʌvɜr part of speech: verb observation in spanish: observación, pronunciation: ɑbzɜrveɪʃən part of speech: noun remark in spanish: observación, pronunciation: rɪmɑrk part of speech: noun, verb detect in spanish: detectar, pronunciation: dɪtekt part of speech: verb poster in spanish: póster, pronunciation: poʊstɜr part of speech: noun placard in spanish: cartel, pronunciation: plækɜrd part of speech: noun notification in spanish: notificación, pronunciation: noʊtəfəkeɪʃən part of speech: noun observance in spanish: observancia, pronunciation: əbzɜrvəns part of speech: noun point out in spanish: señalar, pronunciation: pɔɪntaʊt part of speech: verb

Notice antonyms

ignore pronunciation: ɪgnɔr part of speech: verb
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