Nothing in spanish


pronunciation: nɑdɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

nothing = nada. 

Example: Nothing happens until the ENTER key is pressed.


» achieve + nothing = no conseguir nada, no llevar a ninguna parte.

Example: The physical effort of keeping tabs on people as well as the distasteful practice of checking up on staff output achieves nothing and may do considerable damage.

» add up to + nothing = no ser nada, no ser gran cosa, no suponer nada, no significar nada.

Example: This time it was a collection of random facts that added up to nothing.

» all or nothing = todo o nada.

Example: For me, this was all or nothing -- I left no room for anything else.

» be all(/nothing but) skin and bones = estar en los huesos, estar escuchimizado, estar hecho un esqueleto.

Example: The boy was all skin and bones and needed the food and drink far more than Will did and anyway he could always ask the landlord for some = El niño estaba en los huesos y necesitaba comida y bebida mucho más que Will y, de todas formas, él siempre podría pedirle algo al casero.

» be good for nothing = no servir para nada, ser una raya en el agua.

Example: For, methinks, the present condition of man is like a field, where battle hath been lately fought, where we may see many legs, and arms, and eyes lying here and there, which, for want of a union, and a soul to quicken and enliven them, are good for nothing, but to feed ravens, and infect the air.

» be not for nothing that = valer la pena.

Example: It was not for nothing that he had learned to identify and isolate problems and to solve them.

» be nothing but = no ser sino, no ser más que.

Example: She is nothing but a narcissist that wants to hang out with the so-called big wheels in this city.

» be nothing less than = ser nada más y nada menos que.

Example: Frederick Holler claims that 'Information retrieval (ie, reference work) is nothing less than a full-fledged discipline and not simply a minor skill acquirable as a byproduct of other studies'.

» be nothing like = no parecerse en nada a.

Example: Hernandez soon discovered that Rolling Ridge was not, by any stretch of the imagination, anything like the suburban bedroom community of Colony Park.

» be nothing more than = no ser más que.

Example: Women will like it because it shows how men are nothing more than putty in their hands.

» be nothing new = no ser nada nuevo.

Example: The issue of non-local women from the mainland coming to Hong Kong to give birth is nothing new.

» be nothing of the sort = ser algo completamente distinto.

Example: The second edition of the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR2) is, in fact, nothing of the sort.

» be nothing out of the ordinary = ser el pan nuestro de cada día, ser algo muy corriente, ser cosa de todos los días, ser moneda corriente, ser algo que pasa todos los días, ser un hecho cotidiano, ser un suceso cotidiano.

Example: Language confusion is nothing out of the ordinary in Switzerland, which has four official languages.

» be nothing short of = no diferenciarse de, ser similar a, ser realmente.

Example: Until the late 20th century, the card catalogue was the beating heart of the library and its replacement with a computer database was nothing short of an organ transplant.

» be nothing to shout about = no valer gran cosa, no ser nada del otro mundo, no ser nada especial, no estar/ser para tirar cohetes.

Example: The rooms are nothing to shout about, but it's a friendly place and has one of the neighborhood's best restaurants.

» be nothing to speak of = no ser nada digno de mención, no ser nada de lo que valga la pena hablar, no tener importancia, no tener trascendencia.

Example: The restaurant itself is nothing to speak of but the food is fabulous.

» be nothing to write home (to mom) about = no valer gran cosa, no ser nada del otro mundo, no ser nada especial, no estar/ser (como) para tirar cohetes.

Example: He really does not have that great of a voice and his looks are nothing to write home to mom about.

» call for + nothing less than genius = necesitar ser un genio.

Example: To meet the intellectual needs of each patron of the library calls for calls for nothing less than genius.

» come to + nothing = no fructificar, no dar fruto.

Example: The idea of the universal index eventually came to nothing, but the UDC found favour as a general classification scheme and continued to develop in its own right.

» come up with + nothing = no tener éxito.

Example: I tried to search D-Lib Magazine for distributed proofreading, but came up with nothing.

» cost + next to nothing = costar porquísimo, costar casi nada.

Example: Desk research is information that costs next to nothing.

» cost + nothing = costar nada, salir gratis, salir de balde.

Example: This muff took me less than 2 hours to make and cost me nothing, because I used an old coat too ugly and stained to donate, and a scrap of fabric I had lying around.

» count + for nothing = contar para nada, servir para nada.

Example: That this is a statement of fact may count for nothing: in effect, the librarian may be obliged lay evidence before the enquirer, accompanied by a convincing explanation.

» cry over + nothing = llorar por nada.

Example: And while you may be weepier than usual before your period, you shouldn't be concerned unless you are regularly crying over nothing.

» do + nothing = no hacer nada.

Example: It is worth doing nothing and having a rest; in spite of all the difficulty.

» do + nothing but = no hacer otra cosa que.

Example: Can't you seclude yourself and do nothing but work on this topic for the week?.

» do + nothing in particular = no hacer nada de particular.

Example: A new report says that we waste three hours a day faffing around, doing nothing in particular, pootling, dawdling, pottering, hanging about.

» do + nothing wrong = no hacer nada malo.

Example: The passenger removed from the Dallas-bound US Airways flight did nothing wrong and was the victim of a pretty nasty trick.

» everything or nothing = todo o nada.

Example: This relationship, this going on with God, was everything or nothing for it was sealed in a blood covenant.

» for nothing = por nada, a cambio de nada, a lo tonto.

Example: This is not to say that scholarly authors are so altruistic that they are prepared to write books for nothing; indeed in my own researches I have come across situations where authors felt deeply about the way that publishers had treated them financially.

» fret about + nothing = hacer una montaña de un grano de arena, ahogarse en un vaso de agua, exagerar.

Example: I suggest that we are fretting about nothing and that we would do well to go with the flow and let the systems be introduced, as has been proposed.

» get + worked up about nothing = hacer una montaña de un grano de arena, ahogarse en un vaso de agua, exagerar.

Example: Here's why I think this really was a mistake, and why we're getting worked up about nothing in this particular instance.

» good-for-nothing = mequetrefe, inútil, mamarracho, bala perdida, balarrasa, bala rasa. [Nombre y adjetivo]

Example: He was a shiftless, good-for-nothing man and his shrewish wife was constantly importuning him.

» have + nothing against = no tener nada en contra de.

Example: I have nothing against Aussies but I do have something against parasites who steal off someone else's ideas .

» have + nothing to do with = no tener nada que ver con.

Example: Religion has nothing to do with science -- and vice versa.

» have + nothing to lose = no tener nada que perder.

Example: 'Workers unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains,' said Karl Marx = "Trabajadores uníos, no teneís nada que perder mas que vuestras cadenas", dijo Karl Marx.

» if nothing else = aunque no sirva para otra cosa, aunque no sea para otra cosa.

Example: If nothing else, the sad story of Dialog and the American Chemical Society may serve to chart the waters a little better for other organisations in the field.

» laugh over + nothing = reírse por nada.

Example: And they both began to laugh over nothing as children will when they are happy together.

» leave + nothing unsaid = no callarse nada, decirlo todo, mencionarlo todo, no dejarse nada en el tintero, no morderse la lengua.

Example: He spent the final day of his life pouring out his heart, leaving nothing unsaid.

» much ado about nothing = mucho ruido y pocas nueces, no decir nada nuevo.

Example: All too many conferences, workshops, and courses are much ado about nothing, they are merely opportunities for mutual self-congratulation.

» much to do about nothing = mucho ruido y pocas nueces, no decir nada nuevo.

Example: She described the controversy as 'much to do about nothing' and vowed that she would not resign.

» next to nothing = casi nada, poquísimo.

Example: But the cost of living in Southern Europe was next to nothing in those days and my parents funded a good deal of my wandering.

» nothing beats... = no hay nada como, nada es mejor que, nada supera a, no hay nada mejor que.

Example: A lake, a park, the sea, the sky ... nothing beats the backdrops of these outdoor theatres.

» nothing before something arrangement = ordenación palabra por palabra. [Método de ordenación alfabética por el cual el espacio de las palabras compuestas tiene valor de alfabetización lo que daría lugar a la siguiente secuencia: Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal, Carbonería; mientras que la ordenación letra a letra daría lugar a: Carbonería, Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal]

Example: All three of these publications adopt a 'word by word' (or 'nothing before something') rather than a 'letter by letter' (or 'all through') arrangement.

» nothing before something method = método de ordenación palabra por palabra. [Método de ordenación alfabética por el cual el espacio de las palabras compuestas tiene valor de alfabetización lo que daría lugar a la siguiente secuencia: Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal, Carbonería; mientras que la ordenación letra a letra daría lugar a: Carbonería, Carbón mineral, Carbón vegetal]

Example: One is known as the 'letter by letter' or 'all-through' method and the other as the 'word by word' or 'nothing before something' method.

» nothing but the (very) best = lo mejor de lo mejor.

Example: Building a good relationship with customers is the only way to be the best and nothing but the best will do!.

» nothing + can + be further from the truth = nada + estar + más lejos de la verdad, nada + estar + más lejos de la realidad, nada + estar + más apartado de la verdad, nada + estar + más apartado de la realidad.

Example: Jones (2002) pointed out that whereas many librarians may see these activities as a 'waste of time, nothing could be further from the truth= Jones (2002) señaló que mientras que muchos bibliotecarios pueden ver estas actividades como una "pérdida de tiempo, nada estaba más lejos de la verdad".

» nothing can be further from the truth = nada puede estar más apartado de la realidad, nada puede estar más alejado de la realidad.

Example: Nothing could be further from the truth, for Balzac had accomplished miracles since he arrived in Rolling Ridge six years ago.

» nothing + come of = resultar fallido, no haber consecuencias, ser un fracaso.

Example: Nothing came of it, but the episode is a reminder that information is not intrinsically valuable but becomes so only when someone wants it.

» nothing comes without a cost = nada es gratis, todo cuesta algo.

Example: Whilst Indigenous peoples might welcome the elevation of status that comes with increased recognition of their Knowledge systems after centuries of dismissal and disintegration, nothing comes without a cost.

» nothing else = nada más.

Example: This was the classical expression of the ideology of the finding catalog; the view that the catalog was a simple list designed to help one find a particular book in the library and nothing else.

» nothing happens before its time = cada cosa a su tiempo, no por mucho madrugar amanece más temprano, dar tiempo al tiempo, dejar que las cosas sigan su curso normal.

Example: Indeed, some might well wonder why it has been so late in the making, but I am reminded of the popular saying 'nothing happens before its time' and 'everything in its own good time'.

» nothing if not + Adjetivo = muy.

Example: Both as a writer and as a man, he was nothing if not unconventional.

» nothing if not + Nombre = sobre todo, ante todo.

Example: If there's one thing that I've come to know about people is that we're nothing if not creatures of habit.

» nothing in particular = nada de importancia.

Example: Anthony Datto thanked them for having permitted him to unburden himself and after a few desultory remarks about the nasty weather and nothing in particular, they parted.

» nothing is done until it's done = nada se acaba hasta que no se acaba.

Example: And yes, I know that nothing is done until it's done and there's all sorts of things that can go wrong between now and the closing date.

» nothing less than = nada más y nada menos que.

Example: We had charged him with nothing less than outlining a national program for preserving millions of books in danger of deterioration = Le habíamos encargado nada más y nada menos que esbozara un programa nacional para la conservación de millones de libros en peligro de deterioro.

» nothing loath = ansioso, deseoso, predispuesto, dispuesto.

Example: The stranger, nothing loath to start a conversation with them, looked at them smilingly.

» nothing major = nada importante, nada de importancia, sin importancia.

Example: The cooling fan is a bit loud, but nothing major.

» nothing more, nothing less = ni más ni menos.

Example: The appropriate perspetive to take is to view a decision and its aftermath as data for the next decision to be make -- nothing more, nothing less.

» nothing succeeds like success = el éxito llama al éxito, el éxito genera éxito.

Example: As it is said nothing succeeds like success and the ladder of success is never crowded the top.

» nothing tastes as good as thin feels = nada sabe mejor que sentirse delgado.

Example: She has been accused of encouraging anorexia in teenagers after telling a fashion website she lives by the maxim 'nothing tastes as good as thin feels'.

» nothing ventured, nothing gained = quien nada arriesga nada gana, por probar nada se pierde, el que no se aventura no cruza el mar.

Example: In today's recession it seems that the saying 'nothing ventured, nothing gained' could be re-written as 'nothing ventured, nothing lost'.

» nothing whatsoever = nada en absoluto.

Example: Many leisure activities result in the development of personal skills that have nothing whatsoever to do with a person's work.

» one thing + have + nothing to do with the other = una cosa no + tener + nada que ver con la otra, confundir la velocidad con el tocino.

Example: But one thing has nothing to do with the other -- just because he wears eye make up it has nothing to do with him not being masculine.

» pay + Nombre + next to nothing = pagar poquísimo, pagar casi nada, costar poquísimo, costar casi nada.

Example: Workers are paid next to nothing with wages as low as $39 dollars a month.

» sit back and do nothing = cruzarse de brazos y no hacer nada, quedarse sentado y no hacer nada.

Example: We offer a relaxing place to vacation where you can fish, canoe, hike or just plain sit back and do nothing for a change.

» stop at + nothing short of = hacerlo todo menos, hacerlo todo excepto.

Example: Special library practice implies special service, tailored to the reader's needs, and that such service stops at nothing short of participation in library research activities of readers by the librarian.

» there + be + nothing like = no + haber + nada como.

Example: There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered.

» there + be + nothing wrong in/with = no + haber + nada malo en.

Example: There is nothing wrong in teaching the values of sharing and playing fair among sibblings.

» think + nothing of + Gerundio = no darle demasiada importancia a + Infinitivo, no importar + Infinitivo.

Example: To visit Newport is to jump into a different world where Astors and Vandeerbilts thought nothing of setting aside $300,000 for summer entertaining.

» think of + nothing = no + ocurrírsele + nada.

Example: Wherein had she erred? Try as she might she could think of nothing.

» to say nothing of = por no decir nada de, sin meternos en el hecho de que.

Example: And how in heaven's name will we get any work done around here if we have to worry about grievance hearings, to say nothing of the grievant being in the same building.

» to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth = decir la verdad, toda la verdad y nada más que la verdad.

Example: The speaker advises administrators to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

» Verbo + nothing else but = no + Verbo + otra cosa que.

Example: At other times they may be doing nothing else but relax: passing the time in a pleasant if untaxing recreation.

» want + nothing to do with = no querer tener nada que ver con, no querer saber nada de, no querer (tener) ningún trato con.

Example: He wanted nothing to do with the straitjacket of guidelines and so-called standards = Él no quería tener nada que ver con el encorsetamiento que imponen las directrices y los "presuntos" estándares.

» wear + next to nothing = no llevar casi nada puesto.

Example: It's just a bunch of women wearing next to nothing for a calendar which will raise lots of money for charity.

» work for + next to nothing = trabajar por nada y menos, trabajar por casi nada, trabajar por poquísimo.

Example: There is a huge irony that talent spotters who work for next to nothing are looking to uncover young kids who could go on and play in the richest League in the world.

» work for + nothing = trabajar a cambio de nada, trabajar por nada, trabajar de balde.

Example: Remuneration for abstracting is not a principal motivating factor, since many abstractors work for nothing.

Nothing synonyms

zero in spanish: cero, pronunciation: zɪroʊ part of speech: noun, verb, adjective cipher in spanish: cifrar, pronunciation: saɪfɜr part of speech: noun aught in spanish: algo, pronunciation: ɔt part of speech: noun nix in spanish: nada, pronunciation: nɪks part of speech: noun nil in spanish: nulo, pronunciation: nɪl part of speech: noun zip in spanish: cremallera, pronunciation: zɪp part of speech: noun naught in spanish: nada, pronunciation: nɔt part of speech: noun nada in spanish: nada, pronunciation: nɑdə part of speech: noun cypher in spanish: cifrar, pronunciation: saɪfɜr part of speech: noun zilch in spanish: zilch, pronunciation: zɪltʃ part of speech: noun goose egg in spanish: huevo de ganso, pronunciation: guseg part of speech: noun
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