Notes in spanish


pronunciation: noʊtɑs part of speech: noun
In gestures

note1 = nota, apostilla. [Información añadida a la parte principal de la descripción bibliográfica para clarificarla o completarla]

Example: An annotation is a note added to the title and/or other bibliographic information concerning a document, by way of comment or explanation.


» analytical note = nota analítica. [Una de las partes del asiento analítico en la que se hace una breve descripción de la obra completa que contiene el documento del que se hace el asiento analítico y que va precedida de la preposición 'En', destacada tipográficamente]

Example: An analytical note is the statement in an analytical entry relating the part being analyzed to the comprehensive work of which it is a part.

» a point of note = conviene destacar que.

Example: A point of note is that even as the competition intensifies between the two top players, a whole bunch of newcomers are warming up in the wings.

» as an additional note = como nota adicional.

Example: As an additional note, we are all glad to hear that he was able to come back from Cuba last night, after his tete a tete with Fidel Castro.

» background note = nota introductoria, información básica.

Example: Each section includes a background note, general information on library services and a detailed account of specific services.

» banknote = billete, billete de banco, pagaré, papel moneda.

Example: Watermarks for special papers used for such things as banknotes and bonds became increasingly elaborate.

» biographical note = reseña biográfica.

Example: The following biographical notes are additional to, and extended versions of, those that appear in the paper.

» cautionary note = advertencia, aviso.

Example: The different standards involved are described with cautionary notes on their limitations and the balance between standardisation and innovation.

» class notes = apuntes de clase.

Example: The overriding goal of the project is to develop software that will aid university instructors in maximizing the instructional value of WWW-based course materials such as syllabi, class notes, etc..

» compare + notes = comparar notas, intercambiar ideas.

Example: The remainder of the conference focused on aspects of computerisation with each representative comparing notes and sharing experience.

» contents notes = notas de contenido, relación de contenido.

Example: In the note area, contents notes can be particularly appropriate.

» convening note = convocatoria de reunión.

Example: The convening note is sent to each and every member of the commission and pasted on the notice board of the council, at least one week before the date of the said meeting.

» cover note = nota, nota aclaratoria, nota explicativa.

Example: The video collection of operas and ballets is accessible by language of text, author of libretto/lyrics, author and language of cover notes as well as the more usual entry points.

» credit note = nota de cargo.

Example: When mistakes have been made in invoicing or in paying a vendor, a credit or debit note is issued.

» debit note = nota de abono.

Example: When mistakes have been made in invoicing or in paying a vendor, a credit or debit note is issued.

» doctor's referral note = volante médico.

Example: However, your insurance company may stipulate that they require a doctor's referral note to reimburse you for the cost of the services.

» doctor's note = parte de baja, parte de baja laboral.

Example: A doctor's note should state why you were absent from school or work on a particular date, what your illness is and if it is contagious or you'll need to be out any further days.

» drop + Nombre + a note = enviar una nota a Alguien.

Example: Please drop me a note if you plan to attend so I can have a sense of numbers to plan for.

» edition note = nota de edición.

Example: The first 15 characters of the edition note are displayed in parentheses at the right end of the line, just before the date.

» endnote = nota al final, nota al final del texto.

Example: In addition, most readers preferred endnotes and references be at the ends of the chapters to which they referred, rather than at the end of the book.

» end on + a + Adjetivo + note = terminar en un tono + Adjetivo .

Example: The Opening Ceremony will end on a lighter, more celebratory note for IFLA's 75th birthday.

» end on + a positive note = acabar de forma positiva, terminar de forma positiva, acabar de manera positiva, terminar de manera positiva, acabar de modo positivo, terminar de modo positivo, terminar en (un) tono positivo, acabar en (un) tono positivo.

Example: Finally, I would like to end on a positive note, and say that I am happy with pretty much all of the other changes you have implemented.

» finish on + a positive note = terminar en (un) tono positivo, acabar en (un) tono positivo.

Example: As we always like to finish on a positive note we'll start with the bad and the ugly and finish with the good.

» footnote = nota a pie de página. [Comentario que se añade al pie de una página y que une al texto relevante de esa página mediante un símbolo]

Example: The position at the time, as I remember (I was for it), was that it is better to have one code with footnotes permitting differences.

» footnote = tema de importancia secundaria.

Example: As a footnote, two caveats should be raised.

» holdings note = nota de ubicación y existencias. [Información que existe en un registro bibliográfico sobre en qué biblioteca o bibliotecas se encuentra la obra o la revista en cuestión y el número de ejemplares o volúmenes]

Example: In addition, provision is made for information of 'local' significance to be included, for example a library 'holdings' note.

» information note = nota informativa.

Example: An information note is a note of the type generally given in catalogues under a heading for the purpose of explaining the relationship between that heading and other headings.

» leave on + a positive note = acabar de forma positiva, terminar de forma positiva, acabar de manera positiva, terminar de manera positiva, acabar de modo positivo, terminar de modo positivo, terminar en (un) tono positivo, acabar en (un) tono positivo.

Example: Life is unpredictable and you cannot see the future so don't miss the chance to leave on a positive note.

» lecture notes = apuntes de clase, notas de conferencias.

Example: Only about half of the items photocopied were published copyright materials, the rest being lecture notes, essays, etc.

» make + a mental note = tomar nota mental, hacer nota mental, memorizar.

Example: You can make mental notes all day long, but they lack the safety features of paper and digital notes.

» make + a note = tomar nota.

Example: One of the characteristic features of a post-coordinate indexing system is that searching amounts to more than making a note of the records listed under one index heading.

» make + note + in + Posesivo + mind = hacer una nota mental.

Example: Make a note of the story's climax in your mind, so that you can indicate to the children by pause, by quickening of the pace, the peak of the tale.

» marginal note = nota marginal, apostilla.

Example: Some of the criteria used to determine whether it is worthwhile to obtain an appraisal of a book collection are: age, content, illustrations, place of publication, publisher, condition of the items, marginal notes, and previous owners.

» mental note = nota mental.

Example: A basic problem with mental notes is that they are subject to the distortions of time = Las notas mentales tienen el problema básico de verser afectadas por las distorsiones del tiempo.

» note area = área de notas. [Sección de la descripción bibliográfica que se utiliza para suministrar información que no ha podido ser expresada en las restantes áreas y está directa o indirectamente relacionada con la publicación que se describe]

Example: The note area is the part of the description where it is permitted to include any additional information which the cataloguer feels may be of value to the user.

» note book = cuaderno de notas.

Example: Artist's sketch books, author's note books, composer's drafts of scores and even lecturer's notes can be properly considered as primary sources in manuscript form.

» notebook = cuaderno, libreta, bloc de notas.

Example: This project investigated the bibliographical indexes that researchers keep - often in cardboxes or notebooks.

» note form = abreviación, abreviatura.

Example: Telegraphic abstracts present information exceptionally concisely by resorting to note form.

» note of thanks = agradecimiento, nota de agradecimiento, carta de agradecimiento.

Example: Nine percent of the questions analyzed were placed in the 'other' category, which included notes of thanks and compliments on good service, suggestions for improving the library's services, and messages sent from listservs = El nueve por ciento de las cuestiones analizadas se colocaron en la categoría "otros", que incluía notas de agradecimiento y felicitaciones por el buen servicio, sugerencias para mejorar los servicios de la biblioteca y mensajes enviados de servidores de listas de correo.

» notes block = bloque funcional de notas.

Example: In UNIMARC the notes block, block 3 -- , contains notes -- free text statements qualifying and amplifying the description and access points and dealing with any aspect of the physical make-up of the item of its contents.

» notes field = campo de notas.

Example: This therefore includes more information than is included in notes field of MARC or on a catalog card.

» note summary screen = pantalla resumen de notas.

Example: When the ENTER key is pressed, DOBIS/LIBIS redisplays the note summary screen.

» note-taking = toma de notas, toma de apuntes.

Example: They can help in effective note-taking, digestion of current literature, and the analysis of committee papers.

» Note that... = téngase en cuenta que, adviértase que.

Example: Note that a title word search on 'high-temperature superconductivity' would have to include many term variations.

» noteworthy = notable, digno de mencionar, digno de notar. 

Example: It essays simply to be a list of the more important, rare or otherwise noteworthy books available.

» of note = de importancia, de fama, de renombre, destacado, notable, famoso.

Example: Another analytical study of note is the one for Columbia University Libraries.

» of particular note = de especial importancia.

Example: Of particular note is his classic monograph 'Prejudices and Antipathies', published by Scarecrow Press, a critique of LC entry and subject heading practices.

» on a happier note = pasar a cosas más agradables, como dato positivo.

Example: On a happier note, I was chewing the cud in a taxi cab on the way to work this morning when suddently a well-dressed old man wiggled his hand at me.

» on another note = en otro orden de cosas, cambiando de asunto, cambiando de tema, por otro lado.

Example: On another note, if a child is bilingual, it is very difficult to make him fluent in both languages.

» on a positive note = pasar a cosas más agradables, como dato positivo.

Example: On a positive note, losing weight after menopause decreases breast cancer risk.

» personal note = comentario personal.

Example: To intrude a personal note here, I was a little surprised to see just how good were some of the reviews of certain books which I myself had found rather boring or pretentious.

» promissory note = pagaré, abonaré, nota de pago.

Example: A promissory note is a legal and binding contract of your promise to repay the loan according to the terms listed on the note.

» ransom note = carta de rescate, nota de rescate.

Example: Ransom notes are normally written prior to the crime and not written by hand in order to disguise the authorship.

» receive + note = recibir atención.

Example: It has been to the continuing shame of the library field that his efforts toward eliminating the price-fixing of children's books have received such little note and appreciation.

» scope note (SN) = nota de alcance. [Explicación breve de cómo usar un descriptor]

Example: Scope notes are sometimes designated by the abbreviation SN (for Scope Note).

» sick note = baja médica.

Example: A policewoman has been accused of forging sick notes so that she could go to Thailand on holiday.

» sidenote [side-note] = nota al margen.

Example: The author evaluates the effectiveness of 'sidenotes' designed to improve reading comprehension and foster self-independence among poor-ability readers.

» sidenote [side-note] = trazo, viso, matiz, denotación.

Example: The odour impression was a very pleasant spearmint, with green, floral, fruity, and spicy sidenotes.

» sound + a cautionary note = prevenir, advertir.

Example: The paper sounds a cautionary note about Singapore's recent embracement of the 'new regionalism'.

» sound + a note of caution = prevenir, advertir.

Example: Ranganathan himself sounds a note of caution when he warns that, because the use of this device requires an uncommon degree of `spiritual insight', any notation suggested by it should be discussed widely before being finalized.

» sound + a note of hope = darse una situación más esperanzadora.

Example: A note of hope was sounded in Australia with women occupying many senior posts.

» sound + note of defeat = darse por derrotado.

Example: Finally, in 1939, Clarence Sherman sounded the note of defeat when he wrote that librarians had been forced to abandon `the long-cherished hope that the free public library would reach a constantly expanding population, book-conscious and reading-desirous'.

» speaking notes = notas de discurso.

Example: This was originally intended as a set of speaking notes for candidates and others in the 1979 direct election campaign.

» start + Nombre + off on a good note = empezar Algo con buen pie, comenzar Algo con buen pie, entrar con buen pie.

Example: He started off on a good note of light-hearted jokes at a charity dinner on Thursday night, but the mood turned once he started attacking his ex more heavily.

» study notes = notas de clase.

Example: On the bus she sat in her usual rear seat and read through some of her study notes for next week's exam whilst listening to her radio.

» suicide note = nota de suicida.

Example: Research indicates that suicide notes have a profound effect on the grief of those who read them.

» take + mental note = tomar nota mental, hacer nota mental, memorizar.

Example: The most minimalist method is simply to take some mental notes for what does and doesn't work on the small screen and keep them in the back of your mind.

» take + note = tomar nota.

Example: Before leaving the problems of making a living from bookselling it is interesting to take note of one last set of figures in the surveys which give some details of the sales made by bookshops.

» thank-you note = nota de agradecimiento.

Example: An electronic mail group were asked to rate two documents, a job application and a thank-you note, on various qualities.

» written note = nota, apunte.

Example: Sometimes it is wise for the rater to base judgment on written notes or a diary kept over a period of time.

note2 = nota musical. 

Example: You touch the illustration and the book begins to softly play the music, the score on the page moving to keep up with the notes.


» end + Nombre + on a high (note) = acabar de forma positiva, terminar de forma positiva, acabar con una nota de optimismo, terminar con una nota de optimismo, acabar con un broche de oro, terminar con un broche de oro, cerrar con un broche de oro.

Example: There were ups and downs, to be sure, but it sure did end on a high note.

» end up on + a high note = terminar mejor de lo que + empezar, acabar mejor de lo que + empezar, terminar con mejor cara, acabar con mejor cara.

Example: What started off as a pretty bad day ended up on a high note, at least for two women in particular.

» hit + all the right notes = dar en el clavo, dar en el blanco, dar en la diana, hacer diana.

Example: This event hit all the right notes and we look forward to possibly hosting another quirky event in the near future.

» leave on + a high note = irse a lo grande, irse como triunfador, salir por la puerta grande, salir a lo grande.

Example: Needless to say, I failed in my attempt to leave on a high note and probably won't be asked to attend any more social gatherings in the near future.

» strike + the right note = encontrar el equilibrio, encontrar el punto medio, comedirse.

Example: It is worth some time and trouble to strike the right note of pride and frugality.

» strike + the right note (with) = caer bien, aceptar favorablemente, dar una buena impresión, causar una buena impresión.

Example: Our growth doubled that of the market trend, demonstrating that our products are striking the right note with customers.

note3 = billete. 

Example: The Conference Centre car park has 650 parking places, with another 5000 places nearby and parking fees can be paid with notes or coins.


» currency note = billete, papel moneda.

Example: India's central bank, the Reserve Bank of India, says it will withdraw all currency notes printed before 2005 from 31 March.

» fake currency note = billete falso, billete falsificado.

Example: The menace of fake currency notes has grown so much in border areas of India and Nepal that it has become a part of the local economy.

note4 = anotar, tomar nota de, tener en cuenta, tener presente, tomar en cuenta. 

Example: Sometimes the number of tickets issued is noted on the form.

note5 = indicar, hacer notar, mencionar, comentar, señalar, hacer mención de/a. 

Example: In the future, a number of further developments can be fairly confidently predicted in addition to the expansion of those noted above.


» note + difference = señalar diferencias, indicar diferencias.

Example: Some points of difference with Canadian practices, especially as regards staffing, are noted.

» note + difficulties = indicar las dificultades, señalar las dificultades.

Example: The article 'How Shepard's Citation lost its flock: or, can the police smell probable cause?' notes the difficulties involved in teaching law students the intricacies of research tools such as Shepard's Citation.

note6 = notar, detectar, darse cuenta. 

Example: Collation is the term used for the physical check of books to note any imperfections such as missing or duplicated sections.
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