Notebook in spanish


pronunciation: kuɑdeɹ̩noʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

note book = cuaderno de notas. 

Example: Artist's sketch books, author's note books, composer's drafts of scores and even lecturer's notes can be properly considered as primary sources in manuscript form.

notebook = cuaderno, libreta, bloc de notas. 

Example: This project investigated the bibliographical indexes that researchers keep - often in cardboxes or notebooks.


» field notebook = diario de campo.

Example: Here are some excerpts from the field notebooks that must be kept by all students taking the course.

» notebook computer = ordenador portátil, portátil. [Ordenador en forma de estuche con dimensiones parecidas a las de un cuaderno]

Example: Let us jump ahead and describe the notebook computer that we are likely to see by the turn of the century.

Notebook synonyms

notebook computer in spanish: Ordenador portatil, pronunciation: noʊtbʊkkəmpjutɜr part of speech: noun
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