Notch in spanish


pronunciation: mueskɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

notch1 = muesca. 

Example: Edge notch cards have a series of holes around the perimeter, and the piece of card between the hole and the edge of the card may be removed, using a punch, to form a notch.


» be top notch = ser de primera categoría.

Example: If I make the assumption that they're top notch, I'll transmit that confidence to them and they'll live up to my expectations.

» crank it up + a notch = acelerar el ritmo, acelerar el paso, aumentar, intensificar, acelerar, avivar, subir, mejorar, subir el listón, pasar al siguiente nivel, subir de nivel.

Example: David quickly comprehended our project needs and then cranked it up a notch with impactful design.

» edge notch card = ficha de borde perforado.

Example: Edge notch cards have a series of holes around the perimeter, and the piece of card between the hole and the edge of the card may be removed, using a punch, to form a notch.

» knock it up + a notch = acelerar el ritmo, acelerar el paso, aumentar, intensificar, acelerar, avivar, subir, mejorar, subir el listón, pasar al siguiente nivel, subir de nivel.

Example: You could even stick in a fancy cocktail stick to knock it up a notch.

» move it up + a notch = acelerar el ritmo, acelerar el paso, aumentar, intensificar, acelerar, avivar, subir, mejorar, subir el listón, pasar al siguiente nivel, subir de nivel.

Example: After a regular walking routine is established, why not move it up a notch and start jogging, if you haven't already.

» take it up + a notch = acelerar el ritmo, acelerar el paso, aumentar, intensificar, acelerar, avivar, subir, mejorar, subir el listón, pasar al siguiente nivel, subir de nivel.

Example: We have a good time together and we're good friends.. but I'd like to take it up a notch.

notch (out)2 = perforar. 

Example: When a needle is inserted through the '8' position all cards in the pack with the hole '8' notched out will drop from the needle.


» notch it up + a gear = acelerar el ritmo, acelerar el paso, aumentar, intensificar, acelerar, avivar, subir, mejorar, subir el listón, pasar al siguiente nivel, subir de nivel. [Generalmente referido a intensidad, volumen, presión, esfuerzo, etc]

Example: Start gently, ease yourself in by breaking the workout down into three one minute sessions until you are ready to notch it up a gear and join them together.

Notch synonyms

pass in spanish: pasar, pronunciation: pæs part of speech: verb, noun scratch in spanish: rasguño, pronunciation: skrætʃ part of speech: noun, verb slit in spanish: corte largo, pronunciation: slɪt part of speech: noun nick in spanish: mella, pronunciation: nɪk part of speech: noun dent in spanish: abolladura, pronunciation: dent part of speech: noun incision in spanish: incisión, pronunciation: ɪnsɪʒən part of speech: noun snick in spanish: corte, pronunciation: snɪk part of speech: noun mountain pass in spanish: Puerto de montaña, pronunciation: maʊntənpæs part of speech: noun
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