North in spanish


pronunciation: noʊɹ̩te part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

north = norte. 

Example: Short-loans could move adjacent to the main issue desk at the south by moving furniture, or at the north by rearranging the catalogue.


» due north = exactamente al norte, derecho hacia al norte, directamente hacia el norte.

Example: An azimuth of 0 degrees is due north, 90 degrees is due east, 180 degrees is due south, and 270 is due west.

» FID/NANE (FID Regional organization for North Africa and the Near East) = FID/NANE (Organización regional de la FID para el Norte de †frica y el Cercano Oriente).

Example: The FID Regional organization for North Africa and the Near East (FID/NANE) was established to help libraries and information centres in 21 Arab countries, Mali, Chad and Niger to develop information systems and services in the region.

» go up + north = subir al norte.

Example: She knew it was a ruse, and it didn't make her feel great; she had promised to call, then everything went out the window when she got her marching orders to go up north again.

» North Africa = Africa del Norte, norte de Africa.

Example: Women have used the spice fenugreek since ancient times in the Middle East, North Africa, and India to stimulate milk flow.

» North African = del norte de Africa, norteafricano.

Example: Police targeted North African gangs suspected of pickpocketing, mugging and drug offenses.

» North America = Norteamérica.

Example: The holdings of Amsterdam Municipal Archives not only document the history of Amsterdam, but they also constitute a source for the history of the Dutch colonial experiences in North America.

» North American = norteamericano.

Example: Notable telecommunications networks are Tymnet and Telenet, which are predominantly North American, but also have nodes in Europe and other parts of the world.

» North American Indian = indio americano.

Example: The North American Indians did not usually regard physical problems as distinct from spiritual problems.

» North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) = OTAN (Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte).

Example: The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the European Community in its various manifestations are very significant publishers = La Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (OCDE), la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN) y la Comunidad Europea en sus diversas manifestaciones son editores muy importantes.

» northbound = en dirección norte, rumbo al norte, hacia el norte.

Example: If you look at the tube map northbound is up, southbound is down, eastbound is right and westbound is left.

» North Carolina = Carolina del Norte.

Example: During the 1986 Fall semester the reference departments of 2 academic libraries in Greensboro, North Carolina, conducted a survey of enquiries received on public policy issues.

» northeast [north-east] = noreste, nordeste.

Example: Earnscliffe, an outsprawled town of 18,109, lies in a saucer-like setting of wooded hillsides in the northeast region of the country.

» northeastern [north eastern] = del nordeste, del noreste, nororiental.

Example: This article deals with the problems of providing library collection and acquisitions services to off-campus university students throughout a sparsely populated region of northeastern Ontario in Canada.

» North Korea = Corea del Norte.

Example: This article presents a Zimbabwean librarian's impressions of a cultural visit to North Korea.

» north of = al norte de.

Example: June 21 is the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and marks the beginning of summer for the earth north of the equator.

» north of the border = Canadá. [Cuando se usa en los Estados Unidos]

Example: This threatens to reverse the recent brain drain that has seen scientists flee the US for greener pastures north of the border.

» north of the border = Escocia. [Usado en Inglaterra]

Example: However, a recent debate in the Scottish Parliament suggests that problems north of the border continue to mirror those discussed in Westminster.

» North Pacific = norte del Pacífico.

Example: Influenced by the North Pacific high-pressure system, Seoul has hot and humid summers with average temperatures above 20 degrees Celsius.

» North Pole, the = Polo Norte, el.

Example: A meridian is an imaginary line on the Earth's surface from the North Pole to the South Pole that connects all locations with a given longitude.

» North Sea, the = Mar del Norte, el.

Example: So stop fretting that UK unemployment is rising as the tax burden soars, consumers stop spending and North Sea oil runs dry.

» North Star, the = estrella polar, la.

Example: The North Star has been historically used by explorers to determine their latitude.

» northward(s) = en dirección norte, rumbo al norte, hacia el norte.

Example: Which is the only river in the world that flows both northwards and southwards across the line of the Equator?.

» northwest [north west] = noroeste.

Example: Empirical research in the north-west had shown that even those few books singled out by the TV critics as the outstanding books of the day are very commonly missing from public library shelves.

» northwest = del noroeste.

Example: The results show that surface gravel-sand mulch provides a more favorable environment for plant growth than non-mulched fields in the highly erodible loess area of northwest China.

» northwestern [north western] = noroccidental, del noroeste.

Example: The author chronicles the Russian geographical explorations of the northwestern shores of North America which were financed and organized by Count Nikolai Rumiantsev from 1803 to 1825 = El autor narra las expediciones geográficas rusas de la costa del noroeste de Norteamérica que fueron financiadas y organizadas por el Conde Nikolai Rumiantsev de 1803 a 1825.

» north-western = del noroeste, noroccidental.

Example: The coastal temperate rain forests of north-western North America are internationally renowned as the archetypal expression of the temperate rain forest biome.

North synonyms

union in spanish: Unión, pronunciation: junjən part of speech: noun n in spanish: norte, pronunciation: en part of speech: noun northeast in spanish: Noreste, pronunciation: nɔrθist part of speech: noun, adverb northern in spanish: del Norte, pronunciation: nɔrðɜrn part of speech: adjective, noun northwest in spanish: noroeste, pronunciation: nɔrθwest part of speech: noun, adjective northeastern in spanish: del nordeste, pronunciation: nɔrθistɜrn part of speech: adjective northerly in spanish: norte, pronunciation: nɔrðɜrli part of speech: adjective, adverb northward in spanish: hacia el norte, pronunciation: nɔrθwɜrd part of speech: adverb northernmost in spanish: situado más al norte, pronunciation: nɔrðɜrnmoʊst part of speech: adjective septentrion in spanish: septentrion, pronunciation: septəntraɪən part of speech: noun northwestern in spanish: noroeste, pronunciation: nɔrθwestɜrn part of speech: adjective northwards in spanish: hacia el norte, pronunciation: nɔrθwɜrdz part of speech: adverb northbound in spanish: dirección norte, pronunciation: nɔrθbaʊnd part of speech: adjective northland in spanish: región septentrional, pronunciation: nɔrθlænd part of speech: noun northeasterly in spanish: hacia el nordeste, pronunciation: nɔrθistɜrli part of speech: adjective northwesterly in spanish: hacia el noroeste, pronunciation: nɔrθwestɜrli part of speech: adjective due north in spanish: hacia el norte, pronunciation: dunɔrθ part of speech: noun north-central in spanish: norte central, pronunciation: nɔrθsentrəl part of speech: adjective northeastward in spanish: hacia el noreste, pronunciation: nɔrθistwɜrd part of speech: adverb magnetic north in spanish: Norte Magnético, pronunciation: mægnetɪknɔrθ part of speech: noun northwestward in spanish: hacia el noroeste, pronunciation: nɔrθwɪstwɜrd part of speech: adverb northmost in spanish: al norte, pronunciation: nɔrθmoʊst part of speech: adjective in the north in spanish: en el norte, pronunciation: ɪnðənɔrθ part of speech: adverb compass north in spanish: brújula norte, pronunciation: kʌmpəsnɔrθ part of speech: noun to the north in spanish: Al norte, pronunciation: tuðənɔrθ part of speech: adverb

North antonyms

south pronunciation: saʊθ part of speech: noun, adjective
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