Normality in spanish


pronunciation: noʊɹ̩mɑlidɑd part of speech: noun
In gestures

normality = normalidad. 

Example: It also provides a natural preference ordering on explanations, defined in terms of normality or plausibility.


» return to normality = vuelta a la normalidad.

Example: It's a modest start, but for children like Hamed, who lost his father and his own leg in a mortar attack, it's the beginning of a return to normality after years of conflict.

» return to + normality = volver a la normalidad.

Example: After four months of life on the run, I was glad to return to normality, to life in New York.

Normality synonyms

normalcy in spanish: normalidad, pronunciation: nɔrməlsi part of speech: noun

Normality antonyms

abnormality pronunciation: æbnɔrmæləti part of speech: noun abnormalcy pronunciation: æbnɔrməlsi part of speech: noun
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