Norm in spanish


pronunciation: noʊɹ̩mɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

norm = norma. 

Example: An appreciation of alternative approaches is particularly important in this field where trends towards standardisation are the norm.


» become + the norm = convertirse en la norma, ser la norma.

Example: A crisp, even impression became the norm, along with the use of respectable paper and ink.

» be the norm = ser la norma, ser la tónica general.

Example: Low interest rates will likely be the norm during the next two to three years.

» be the norm rather than the exception = ser la norma más que la excepción.

Example: In an age where large scale research are the norm rather than the exception, it is inevitable that the sponsors of such research will wish to keep the results to themselves.

» departure from the norm = desviación de la norma.

Example: The tenth edition was a departure from the norm in that it was an adaptation rather than a strict abridgement.

» deviation + from the norm = desviación de la norma.

Example: Algorithmic identification of new compounds can be incorrect because of spectral deviations of new substances from the norms.

» enforce + a norm = hacer cumplir una norma, hacer cumplir una regla.

Example: Normativity (also known as prescriptivism) is the idea that there are correct and incorrect ways of using language, and institutions to enforce the norms (schools, reference books, editors, computer spell-check programmes, language mavens..).

» fall (far) short of + a norm = no cumplir una norma, no seguir una norma.

Example: The highest of these actual rates fell short of the later norm by more than 10 per cent.

» norms and regulations = normativas.

Example: The article presents the results of trials in which the model was deployed to classify aspects of the construction industry, such as construction norms and regulations.

» personal norm = norma personal.

Example: This section consisted of six items about personal norms and two items about societal benefits.

» settle into + the norm = convertirse en algo normal, normalizarse.

Example: In the past 3 or 4 years, over 1/2 of the US libraries have seen their directors change and what was once described as extraordinary turnover seems to have settled into the norm.

» social norm = norma social.

Example: This is a study of computer mediated communication (CMC) which attempts to provide empirical evidence of the emergence of social norms in computer conferencing.

» societal norm = norma social.

Example: Change will only come about when informed decision making becomes a societal norm.

Norm synonyms

average in spanish: promedio, pronunciation: ævɜrɪdʒ part of speech: adjective, noun
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