Noon in spanish


pronunciation: medioʊdiɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

noon = las doce del mediodía. 

Example: Documents are delivered to the circulation desk for pick up at noon.


» afternoon = mediodía. [Período del día comprendido entre las 12 de la mañana y las cinco aproximadamente]

Example: Well, you've heard that same thing is going to happen this afternoon.

» at high noon = al mediodía, a las doce del mediodía.

Example: It ain't a western if you can't rob a stagecoach, rustle some cattle, or duel at high noon.

» at noon = al mediodía, a las doce.

Example: We worked from sun to sun, with one hour and a half to rest at noon or dinner time.

Noon synonyms

midday in spanish: mediodía, pronunciation: mɪddeɪ part of speech: noun noontide in spanish: mediodía, pronunciation: nuntaɪd part of speech: noun noonday in spanish: mediodía, pronunciation: nundeɪ part of speech: noun high noon in spanish: mediodía, pronunciation: haɪnun part of speech: noun twelve noon in spanish: las doce del mediodía, pronunciation: twelvnun part of speech: noun
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