Nonsense in spanish


pronunciation: dispɑɹ̩ɑtes part of speech: noun
In gestures

nonsense1 = estupideces, tonterías, algo absurdo, chorradas, despropósito, patochadas, zandadas, paparruchadas. 

Example: Since 'added entry' maps to 'access point' and 'main entry' maps to 'access point', some curious, but harmless non-sense results.


» make + nonsense of = hacer perder el sentido a.

Example: Apparently minor errors in the use of notational symbols can make nonsense of class numbers.

» no-nonsense = serio, directo, al grano, sin tonterías, sin sensiblerías, sin rodeos, tolerancia cero, cero tolerancia.

Example: When you daydream about conquests you'll never have, the no-nonsense guy daydreams about ladies within reach.

» nonsense on stilts = estupidez descomunal, estupideces al cuadrado, tonterías al cuadrado, chorradas al cuadrado.

Example: In fact, Bentham said: 'The idea of rights is nonsense and the idea of natural rights is nonsense on stilts'.

» stand no + nonsense = no aguantar tonterías.

Example: Not only was he her right hand, he was accepted throughout the store as a manager who was firm, who would stand no nonsense, but who was fair.

» talk + nonsense = decir tonterías, decir estupideces, decir sandeces, decir disparates, decir gilipolleces, decir memeces, salir con estupideces, hablar tonterías, hablar estupideces, hablar sandeces, hablar disparates, hablar gilipolleces, hablar memeces.

Example: Money is not the root of all evil but too much money can make you talk nonsense.

nonsense2 = rima sin sentido. 

Example: Listening to stories, poems, nursery rhymes, nonsense, while occupied with a loved adult in a comforting activity, acclimatizes the infant to the rhythms of prose and poetry.


» nonsense verse = rima sin sentido.

Example: For the student of literature, the rediscovery of the pleasures of nursery rhyme, of folk and fairy tales, of nonsense verse and story leads in itself to a realization of their importance and function in our lives.

Nonsense synonyms

trumpery in spanish: relumbrón, pronunciation: trʌmpɜri part of speech: noun nonsensical in spanish: absurdo, pronunciation: nɑnsensɪkəl part of speech: adjective folderol in spanish: folderol, pronunciation: foʊldɜroʊl part of speech: noun frills in spanish: volantes, pronunciation: frɪlz part of speech: noun meaninglessness in spanish: sin sentido, pronunciation: minɪŋlesnəs part of speech: noun gimcracks in spanish: gimcracks, pronunciation: gɪmkræks part of speech: noun falderal in spanish: falderal, pronunciation: fældɜrəl part of speech: noun gimcrackery in spanish: gimcrackery, pronunciation: gɪmkrækɜri part of speech: noun nonsensicality in spanish: insensatez, pronunciation: nɑnsensɪkælɪti part of speech: noun
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