Nonplus in spanish


pronunciation: koʊnfundiɹ̩ part of speech: verb
In gestures

nonplus1 = impasible, imperturbable, inmutable, impertérrito, indiferente, despreocupado. 

Example: I remember reading an interview where Boll was nonplus about it, but then days later the site got shut down.


» be at a nonplus = no saber qué hacer, estar confuso.

Example: I liked the methodology cited in the article, but was quite at a nonplus as to description of why several items were taken out of consideration.

nonplus2 = desconcertar, dejar perplejo, dejar sin palabras, confundir. 

Example: The spectacle in front of Bertie was enough to nonplus anyone -- Gussie in scarlet tights and a pretty frightful false beard.

Nonplus synonyms

beat in spanish: golpear, pronunciation: bit part of speech: verb, noun get in spanish: obtener, pronunciation: get part of speech: verb baffle in spanish: deflector, pronunciation: bæfəl part of speech: noun, verb puzzle in spanish: rompecabezas, pronunciation: pʌzəl part of speech: noun gravel in spanish: grava, pronunciation: grævəl part of speech: noun perplex in spanish: dejar perplejo, pronunciation: pɜrpleks part of speech: verb amaze in spanish: asombro, pronunciation: əmeɪz part of speech: verb flummox in spanish: desconcertar por, pronunciation: fləmɔks part of speech: verb bewilder in spanish: confundir, pronunciation: bɪwɪldɜr part of speech: verb trounce in spanish: derrotar a, pronunciation: traʊns part of speech: verb stupefy in spanish: dejar estupefacto, pronunciation: stupəfaɪ part of speech: verb mystify in spanish: mistificar, pronunciation: mɪstəfaɪ part of speech: verb dumbfound in spanish: dejar mudo, pronunciation: dʌmfaʊnd part of speech: verb stupify in spanish: estupidez, pronunciation: stupəfaɪ part of speech: verb
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