Nonpartisan in spanish

No partidista

pronunciation: noʊpɑɹ̩tidistɑ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

non-partisan [nonpartisan] = no partidista, imparcial, independiente, sin afiliación a un partido político. 

Example: To support these ends, the public library must be readily accessible to all, its use must be free of charge, it must be non-partisan and non-sectarian.

Nonpartisan synonyms

independent in spanish: independiente, pronunciation: ɪndɪpendənt part of speech: adjective bipartisan in spanish: de dos partidos políticos, pronunciation: baɪpɑrtɪzən part of speech: adjective unbiased in spanish: imparcial, pronunciation: ənbaɪəst part of speech: adjective two-way in spanish: de doble sentido, pronunciation: tuweɪ part of speech: adjective nonaligned in spanish: no alineado, pronunciation: nɑnəlaɪnd part of speech: adjective nonparty in spanish: no partidista, pronunciation: nənpɑrti part of speech: adjective unbiassed in spanish: sin sesgo, pronunciation: ənbaɪəst part of speech: adjective nonpartizan in spanish: nonpartizan, pronunciation: nɑnpɑrtɪzən part of speech: adjective bipartizan in spanish: bipartizan, pronunciation: baɪpɑrtɪzən part of speech: adjective two-party in spanish: bipartidista, pronunciation: twɔpɑrti part of speech: adjective

Nonpartisan antonyms

partisan pronunciation: pɑrtəzən part of speech: adjective, noun partizan pronunciation: pɑrtɪzən part of speech: noun
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