Nonhuman in spanish

No humano

pronunciation: noʊumɑnoʊ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

non-human [nonhuman] = no humano. 

Example: Recent legislation and social pressures produced changes in the Animal Welfare Act, including a provision that requires environments that promote the 'psychological well-being' of captive nonhuman primates.

Nonhuman synonyms

mechanical in spanish: mecánico, pronunciation: məkænɪkəl part of speech: adjective inhuman in spanish: inhumano, pronunciation: ɪnhjumən part of speech: adjective bloodless in spanish: incruento, pronunciation: blʌdləs part of speech: adjective anthropoid in spanish: antropoide, pronunciation: ænθrəpɔɪd part of speech: adjective, noun apelike in spanish: simiesco, pronunciation: eɪplaɪk part of speech: adjective unhuman in spanish: inhumano, pronunciation: ənhjumən part of speech: adjective anthropoidal in spanish: antropoidal, pronunciation: ænθrəpɔɪdəl part of speech: adjective dehumanized in spanish: deshumanizado, pronunciation: dɪhjumənaɪzd part of speech: adjective

Nonhuman antonyms

human pronunciation: hjumən part of speech: adjective, noun
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