None in spanish


pronunciation: ningunɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

none = ninguno, nadie. 

Example: None of the entries in the system is specific.


» bar none = sin excepción alguna, sin ninguna excepción, sin exceptuar a nadie, sin excepción de nadie.

Example: Athletics represents people who are willing to take on anyone, anywhere, anytime -- bar none.

» barring none = sin excepción alguna, sin ninguna excepción, sin exceptuar a nadie, sin excepción de nadie.

Example: The quality of education is every bit as good in these institutions as anywhere in the word, barring none.

» be none of + Posesivo + business = no ser de la incumbencia de Uno.

Example: That a scholar should appareciate literature is good for his own pleasure and profit; but it is none of his business to communicate that appreciation to his audience.

» be none the wiser = quedarse igual, no saber más por ello.

Example: Not surprisingly, the girls went away embarrassed, and the mother, if she was any better informed, was certainly none the wiser.

» be none the worse for (that) = venir bien, no salir malparado por, no verse afectado.

Example: The author concludes that although many of the innovations discussed did not survive, the schools were none the worse for their experimentation.

» be none the worse for wear = no salir mal parado por, seguir igual, no verse afectado.

Example: He even has found a fish's stomach with puncture holes caused by eating a catfish, and the fish was still none the worse for wear.

» be second to none = no tener rival, ser el primero.

Example: The rate of growth in Australian data base activity is second to none in the world.

» jack of all trades, master of none = el que mucho abarca poco aprieta, quien mucho abarca poco aprieta, saber un poco de todo y mucho de nada.

Example: In their greed to cram everything but the kitchen sink into the courses, what they end up producing is graduates who are jacks of all trades but masters of none.

» none less than = nada más y (nada) menos que.

Example: The opening ceremony was attended by none less than Emperor Francis Joseph himself = A la ceremonia de apertura asistió nada más y nada menos que el mismo Emperador Francisco José.

» none of them = ninguno de ellos.

Example: None of them were put into operation in a significant manner because of the economics.

» none of which = ninguno de los cuales.

Example: Villainy wears many masks, none of which so dangerous as the mask of virtue.

» none other than = nada más y (nada) menos que.

Example: His heart leapt to his mouth, for this was none other than the great Brigham Young himself.

» none the less = no obstante.

Example: These of course are everyday domestic problems, though none the less important to the enquirer.

» none-too-bright, the = no muy listos, los.

Example: Despite efforts to smarten up its image, librarianship is still usually regarded as a lightweight, literary pursuit for the none-too-bright.

» that's none of your beeswax! = ¡eso no te incumbe!, ¡eso no es asunto tuyo!. [En esta expresión del lenguaje coloquial se usa beeswax por business]

Example: I'm not going to tell you which symptoms I have -- that's none of your beeswax!.

» that's none of your business! = ¡eso no te incumbe!, ¡eso no es asunto tuyo!.

Example: The obvious answer is to simply say 'That's none of your business,' but that just seems so cold and rude.
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