Nonce in spanish

Mientras tanto

pronunciation: mientɹ̩ɑstɑntoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures



» for the nonce = por el momento, por ahora.

Example: Nonce is a curious fossil word, occurring only in the single phrase 'for the nonce'.

» nonce word = hápax, palabra usada una sola vez, palabra de muy poco uso. [Palabra acuñada o inventada por una persona y que rara vez llega a integrarse en el lenguaje normal]

Example: One of the enjoyable pastimes in human experience that has exploded with the onset of Web communities is the creation of nonce words.

nonce2 = delincuente sexual, pederasta. 

Example: In the UK, the term nonce (sometimes spelled "nonse") is a slang word used to refer to a sex offender and/or child sexual abuser.

nonce3 = nonce, código generado al azar. 

Example: This article will explain how to implement a nonce to be used with authentication.

nonce4 = tarugo, idiota, estúpido, imbécil, retrasado, memo, lelo, tontaina, tarado, pánfilo. 

Example: Justin, whilst clearly a nonce, is to be commended on instigating a high-profile campaign to free the hostages.

Nonce synonyms

time being in spanish: de momento, pronunciation: taɪmbiɪŋ part of speech: noun
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