Nominative in spanish


pronunciation: noʊminɑtiboʊ part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

nominative = nominativo. 

Example: This article reviews the publication of the reports of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania from the early nominative reports of the mid-eighteenth century to the present.


» nominative case = caso nominativo.

Example: The results of a study of misfiled titles beginning with articles in the nominative case in European languages are listed and discussed.

Nominative synonyms

nominal in spanish: nominal, pronunciation: nɑmənəl part of speech: adjective appointed in spanish: fijado, pronunciation: əpɔɪntəd part of speech: adjective specified in spanish: especificado, pronunciation: spesəfaɪd part of speech: adjective nominated in spanish: nominado, pronunciation: nɑməneɪtəd part of speech: adjective appointive in spanish: nombramiento, pronunciation: əpɔɪntɪv part of speech: adjective nominative case in spanish: caso nominativo, pronunciation: nɑmənətɪvkeɪs part of speech: noun subject case in spanish: caso sujeto, pronunciation: səbdʒektkeɪs part of speech: noun

Nominative antonyms

oblique pronunciation: əblik part of speech: adjective oblique case pronunciation: əblikkeɪs part of speech: noun
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