Nominal in spanish


pronunciation: noʊminɑl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

nominal1 = sustantivo, forma nominal, forma sustantivada. 

Example: Content words are subdivided into nominals, attributives, predicatives, infinitives, adverbs, and gerunds.


» nominal group technique = técnica de grupo nominal.

Example: The nominal group technique, which required participants to be divided into 4 groups, was employed.

nominal2 = nominal, simbólico. 

Example: The old-time indoor apprentices, who had boarded and lodged with the printer and received only nominal wages, were mostly replaced by outdoor apprentices who found their own board and lodging and were paid wages according to their skill and experience.


» nominal fee = cantidad simbólica, precio simbólico.

Example: This enormous amount of information is available to the public free or for nominal fees.

» nominal value = valor nominal.

Example: Most people think that theft in the workplace -- even of an item of nominal value -- entitles an employer to dismiss an employee without an alternative, such as a final written warning.

Nominal synonyms

token in spanish: simbólico, pronunciation: toʊkən part of speech: noun formal in spanish: formal, pronunciation: fɔrməl part of speech: adjective titular in spanish: titular, pronunciation: tɪtʃəlɜr part of speech: adjective minimum in spanish: mínimo, pronunciation: mɪnəməm part of speech: adjective, noun minimal in spanish: mínimo, pronunciation: mɪnəməl part of speech: adjective nominative in spanish: nominativo, pronunciation: nɑmənətɪv part of speech: adjective, noun specified in spanish: especificado, pronunciation: spesəfaɪd part of speech: adjective tokenish in spanish: tokenish, pronunciation: toʊkənɪʃ part of speech: adjective

Nominal antonyms

real pronunciation: ril part of speech: adjective
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