Noise in spanish


pronunciation: ruidoʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

noise1 = ruido. 

Example: Discomfort is caused if windows are opened, heat, cold, dirt and noise are offered 'open-access' to the interior.


» background noise = ruido de fondo.

Example: We are used to background noise in air conditioned buildings but the introduction of additional and unfamiliar sounds from AV equipment may be disturbing.

» big noise = peso pesado, pez gordo.

Example: Anyone claiming to be a big noise in the business who doesn't have an address in one of those cities is probably blowing smoke.

» bodily noise = ruido corporal.

Example: Viola's visage stares at the monitor as the headphone provides a stream-of-consciousness sound track of bodily noises.

» clinking noise = tintineo.

Example: The reason you hear a clinking noise when the water faucet is turned on is most likely due to a loose washer.

» clink noise = tintineo.

Example: Everytime I engage into a gear, I hear a clink noise that comes from the back of the car.

» creaking noise = chirrido, rechino, rechinamiento, crujido.

Example: Mine makes lots of annoying creaking noises, especially when you press on the top left corner, and then back on the bottom right again.

» cut through + the noise = ir al grano, cortar el rollo, dejarse de historias, entrar en materia, desechar lo innecesario.

Example: Automation tools can help you streamline your workflow and cut through the noise.

» deaden + the noise = amortiguar el ruido.

Example: They play music loudly all day long, such that I have to keep my doors and windows shut to deaden the noise.

» ear-splitting noise = ruido ensordecedor, ruido estridente, ruido estruendoso.

Example: Black smoke and ear-splitting noise are typical features of an iron and steel complex.

» environmental noise = contaminación acústica.

Example: The study suggests that marine animals could suffer detrimental effects ranging from a loss of hearing to increased stressed levels as a result of environmental noise.

» industrial noise = ruido industrial.

Example: The determination of human sensitivity to industrial noise by audiometry enables one to discover workers with heightened auditory sensitivity .

» keep + the noise down = bajar el tono de voz, no hacer tanto ruido, hacer menos ruido.

Example: Please respect your neighbours and keep the noise down.

» loud noise = sonido alto, ruido.

Example: Overstimulation (ie, crowded quarters & loud noises) generally has negative effects on people.

» make + a big noise = llamar la atención, causar sensación.

Example: Everyone here has made a big noise in support of the University of Maryland to the tune of $1000 or more.

» make + a big noise in the world = causar sensación en el mundo, cautivar al mundo.

Example: Mozart commented to Beethoven after hearing him perform, 'You will some day make a big noise in the world'.

» make + all the right noises = decir todo lo que hay que decir para causar una buena impresión.

Example: In his bid to drum up business for the U.K., Cameron has made all the right noises on issues critical to India.

» make + a noise = hacer un ruido, hacer ruido, formar ruido.

Example: However, the car makes a noise when it is first started, but only sometimes.

» make + a noise about = protestar, hacer insinuaciones sobre, empezar a hablar de.

Example: The really good news is that we can stand up as one and that all we have to do is make a noise about it.

» make + noises about = insinuar, protestar, hacer insinuaciones sobre, empezar a hablar de.

Example: The government have been making noises about it for some time but haven't quite got round to it.

» noise level = nivel de ruido.

Example: In suburban areas, the library is predominantly a children's library and should be geared to the needs, the noise level, and the attention span of the youthful population.

» noise pollution = contaminación acústica.

Example: The article is entitled 'Information sources on noise pollution'.

» thumping noise = ruido sordo y fuerte.

Example: There is a thumping noise under the car that sounds like someone is hammering.

» whirring noise = runrún, ronroneo, zumbido.

Example: Since then, the computer has started to make a whirring noise everytime it is booted up.

noise2 = ruido documental. [Datos obtenidos en la recuperación que sobrepasan en profundidad, superficialidad o extensión los estrictamente solicitados]

Example: These non-relevant documents are frequently referred to as 'noise'.

Noise synonyms

dissonance in spanish: disonancia, pronunciation: dɪsənəns part of speech: noun racket in spanish: raqueta, pronunciation: rækɪt part of speech: noun interference in spanish: interferencia, pronunciation: ɪntɜrfɪrəns part of speech: noun disturbance in spanish: disturbio, pronunciation: dɪstɜrbəns part of speech: noun resound in spanish: resonar, pronunciation: risaʊnd part of speech: verb make noise in spanish: hacer ruido, pronunciation: meɪknɔɪz part of speech: verb
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