Noah in spanish


pronunciation: noʊɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

Noah = Noé. 

Example: The Bible describes Noah as the only righteous representative of humanity worthy to be saved from God's judgment.


» Noah's Ark = arca de Noé, el.

Example: In 1989 special building features were introduced in which children can read and browse: one classroom contains a wooden ship, known as Noah's Ark, another an Arab tent.

» Noah's flood = diluvio de Noé, el.

Example: A brief selection of possible scientific explanations for a number of biblical miracles -- Noah's flood, the parting of the Red Sea, the burning bush, the ten plagues, manna from heaven, and the raising of Lazarus -- is provided = Se aporta una breve selección de posibles explicaciones científicas a numerosos milagros bíblicos: El diluvio de Noé, el paso del Mar Rojo, la zarza ardiente, las diez plagas, el maná del cielo y la resurrección de Lázaro.
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