No in spanish


pronunciation: noʊ part of speech: adverb
In gestures

no1 = no. [Negación usada con los nombres; para los verbos, véase not]

Example: In either case, the patient keys in the responses, which may be as simple as 'yes' or 'no'.


» a cloud no bigger than a man's hand = problema pequeño.

Example: By 1980 I had decided that developments were moving sufficiently rapidly to justify a new edition, revised to take into account the growth in the use of computer-based services which in 1977 in Australia were a cloud no bigger than a man's hand.

» be all talk (,/and/but) no action = mucho ruido y pocas nueces, hablar mucho y no hacer nada, ser un cantamañanas, írsele la fuerza por la boca.

Example: She strikes me as someone who is all talk, no action.

» ask no questions and hear no lies = no preguntes porque no te puedo decir la verdad.

Example: It is a case of ask no questions and hear no lies: if you have not been asked for it, then you will not be required to tell the truth.

» at little or no extra cost = por nada or casi nada, por poco o nada.

Example: The intent of universal design is to simplify life for everyone by making products more usable by as many people as possible, at little or no extra cost.

» at no charge = sin coste alguno, gratis, sin ningún coste.

Example: This latest move makes available at no charge more than 150 electronic publications for which fees were previously charged.

» at no cost = sin coste alguno, gratis, sin ningún coste.

Example: Some commercial information providers are giving away a little information at no cost in order to attract customers onto the system.

» at no extra charge = sin costo adicional alguno.

Example: At no extra charge, this produc offers the added benefit of monthly updates, allowing users to keep abreast of the latest developments in their own field of interest.

» at no extra cost = sin costo adicional alguno.

Example: Some options are included at no extra cost.

» at no personal cost = sin coste alguno.

Example: In this way 15-20 persons can attend both the Pre-Session Seminar and the General Conference annually at no personal cost.

» at no time = en ningún momento.

Example: George Ticknor noted that this flood of new immigrants 'at no time, consisted of persons who, in general, were fitted to understand our free institutions or to be intrusted with the political power given by universal suffrage'.

» be no chicken = no ser cobarde.

Example: I admire Governor Perdue's courage; he is no chicken like Mike Tyson.

» be no chicken = no ser ningún jovencito.

Example: Her Swazi tracker said that Amy was the best shot he had ever seen -- and he is no chicken, being the progenitor of various grandchildren.

» be no exception = no ser una excepción.

Example: The publication of a new edition of DC is always an important event, and the eighteenth edition, published in 1971, is no exception.

» be no good = no merecer la pena, no valer la pena.

Example: Here is a snatch of Garner's version: 'I was in a fine rage, and should liked to have kicked him, but it was no good, there wasn't enough of him to get my boot against'.

» be no great loss = no ser una gran pérdida, no perderse mucho, no perderse nada.

Example: The loss of any mentally-ill person is considered no great loss by society.

» be no great shakes = no valer gran cosa, no ser nada del otro mundo, no ser nada especial, no estar/ser para tirar cohetes.

Example: My friends read my books not because they think I am any great shakes as a writer but simply because they know me.

» be no joke = no ser broma.

Example: The article is entitled 'How do you manage: sexual harassment is no joke'.

» be no laughing matter = no ser motivo de risa, no ser para tomárselo a risa.

Example: The article 'Libraries: no laughing matter' explores why National Library Week presents an important opportunity for the library and information science profession to make a case for libraries at a national level.

» be no less than = ser nada más y nada menos, ser como mínimo.

Example: Some fees paid to visiting speakers are no less than insulting.

» be no longer the case = no ser así ya.

Example: Until recently, replacing the DLL seemed to solve the problem, but it appears as though that is no longer the case.

» be no mean feat = ser toda una hazaña, no ser poca cosa, ser toda una proeza, no ser moco de pavo.

Example: Fees aside, earning a place at any of the UK's top drama schools is no mean feat.

» be no more = dejar de existir.

Example: Soon, if, as it is planned, freight charges are introduced for book cartons consigned within the State, this library service will be no more = Pronto dejará de existir este servicio bibliotecario si, como está planeado, se introducen gastos de transporte por las cajas de cartón con libros que se consignen dentro del estado.

» be no picnic = no ser fácil.

Example: This will be no picnic, especially with the French at the wheel.

» be no secret that = no + ser + ningún secreto que.

Example: It's no secret that all Commonwealth Games sites are lagging behind schedule but the organisers are putting on a brave face.

» be no spring chicken = estar ya bastante madurito, estar ya entradito/metidito en años, no ser ya ningún niño, no ser ya ningún jovencito, no ser ya ningún chaval, no estar ya para trotes.

Example: He's such a slow coach -- I run faster than him and am no spring chicken.

» be no (such a) biggie = no ser gran cosa, no tener ninguna importancia.

Example: This was a big event for our little family, but having you 'manage' it, meant that organising it was not such a biggie.

» be of little or no avail = servir de poco o nada.

Example: The export of arms by other nations not involved in the conflict would be of little or no avail in putting an end to that conflict.

» be of little or no importance = tener poca o ninguna importancia, ser de poca o ninguna importancia.

Example: Those which are of great importance in some lines of business can, at times, be of little or no importance in others.

» be of little or no significance = tener poca o ninguna importancia, ser de poca o ninguna importancia.

Example: This factor tends to be of little or no significance to most users.

» be of little or no value = servir de poco o nada.

Example: The following remedies have been at various times suggested and have been found to be of little or no value.

» be of no avail = no servir de nada, no servir para nada, ser en vano, ser en balde, no dar ningún resultado.

Example: This, however, was of no avail, for the whole cavity, including the external meatus, was gradually obliterated.

» be of no consequence = no tener importancia, no tener trascendencia, ser insignificante, no ser trascendental.

Example: Who gets killed is of no consequence but the fact that people are killed is of consequence.

» be of no importance = no tener importancia.

Example: Titles and authors are of no importance, and grouping books under subjects (fairy tales, adventure) is ineffective because the categories are not understood.

» be of no particular concern = no tener la menor importancia.

Example: Whether or not the distribution fits a Bradford distribution is of no particular concern.

» be to no avail = no servir de nada, no servir para nada, ser en vano, ser en balde, no dar ningún resultado.

Example: However this was to no avail and the ship struck bottom.

» be under no obligation to = no tener la obligación de.

Example: They are under no obligation to inform the public of their financial status, so most do not bother.

» be up to no good = estar tramando algo malo, estar tramando alguna barrabasada, andar tramando algo malo, no andar en nada bueno, tener malas intenciones, traerse algo malo ente manos, estar haciendo algo que no se debe.

Example: His mom could always tell when he was up to no good -- it must have been that sixth sense mothers have.

» bring no + joy = no complacer, no alegrar, no ser un placer.

Example: As teachers, we have to shatter their naivete (because ultimately that is what education ought to be), but it brings no joy to do so.

» but (all) to no avail = aunque en vano, aunque en balde, aunque sin ningún resultado.

Example: I have tried a few different ways of helping him remember the difference but to no avail.

» but no dice = sin suerte, pero sin suerte, pero no hubo suerte, pero no hubo modo, pero no hubo manera, pero sin conseguirlo.

Example: We'd hoped to see it sometime in 2008, but no dice.

» by no means = no, de ningún modo, en modo alguno.

Example: However, UDC is by no means always applied to this degree of detail in libraries.

» by no stretch of the imagination = ni por asomo, ni remotamente, de ningún modo.

Example: However, by no stretch of the imagination are anti-depressant drugs pleasant to take for most patients.

» dead men have no friends = el muerto al hoyo y el vivo al bollo.

Example: Dead men have no friends; consequently, Israel must abandon its love affair with its putative, feckless friends and kill, once for all, its mortal foes.

» do + Nombre + no good = no hacer bien, no beneficiar, no ayudar, no ser bueno.

Example: Obviously, the lesson here is that looking back to days gone by does no good in the long term.

» do + no more than = no hacer sino, no hacer más que.

Example: So, by making special provision for the disadvantaged, the library is doing no more than recognizing that there is a group that has special information needs.

» flat 'no' = no rotundo.

Example: A flat 'no' to a question such as 'Is this book recommended for Professor Shaw's course?' leaves uncertainty as to whether one was mistaken in the professor or in the suggestion that it was for a course.

» for apparently no reason = sin motivo aparente, sin causa aparente, sin razón aparente.

Example: The formatting on my main page has gone haywire for apparently no reason.

» for no apparent reason = sin motivo aparente, sin causa aparente, sin razón aparente.

Example: These outbursts often happen for no apparent reason and may be due to the child's inability to tolerate the present environment.

» for no apparent reason whatsoever = sin motivo aparente alguno, sin causa aparente alguna, sin razón aparente alguna.

Example: What annoys people about Americans is that we have these big cheesy smiles on our faces all of the time, for no apparent reason whatsoever.

» for no good reason = sin razón alguna, sin causa alguna, sin razón justificada, sin ningún motivo, sin ton ni son, sin razón, de vicio, sin venir a cuento, sin venir a pelo, al tuntún.

Example: He was refering to the unbelievable action taken by the riot police who for no good reason decided to go to town on innocent fans.

» for no other reason = por la sencilla razón.

Example: To re-emphasize a point that cannot be over-emphasized: reading aloud to children of all ages is vital, if for no other reason, because this is the way we learn how to turn cold print into a dramatic enactment in the theater of our imagination.

» for no particular reason = sin razón alguna, sin causa alguna, sin razón justificada, a propósito de nada, sin ningún motivo, sin ton ni son, sin razón, de vicio, sin venir a cuento, sin venir a pelo, al tuntún.

Example: Nearly a third of internet users go online on a typical day for no particular reason, just for fun or to pass the time.

» for no reason = sin razón alguna, sin causa alguna, sin razón justificada, sin ningún motivo, sin ton ni son, sin razón, de vicio, sin venir a cuento, sin venir a pelo, al tuntún.

Example: When women frequently go to family restaurants, this leads to them going out of their homes excessively for no reason, which goes against the command of Allah.

» for no specific reason = sin razón alguna, sin causa alguna, sin razón justificada, a propósito de nada, sin ningún motivo, sin ton ni son, sin razón, de vicio, sin venir a cuento, sin venir a pelo, al tuntún.

Example: On February 20, 2000, she was arrested at home by police for no specific reason and illegally detained for fifteen days.

» get up to + no good = estar tramando algo malo, estar tramando alguna barrabasada, andar tramando algo malo, no andar en nada bueno, tener malas intenciones, traerse algo malo ente manos, estar haciendo algo que no se debe.

Example: It's a cartoon about a mischievous youngster who delights in playing pranks, being rotten to his relatives and generally getting up to no good.

» hard to say no = difícil decir que no, difícil negarse, difícil rechazar, difícil rehusar.

Example: Reality star Kris Jenner has revealed that her son-in-law is hard to please and even harder to say no to.

» have + absolutely no idea = no tener (ni) absoluta idea.

Example: It was also a demonstration that the people running the business have absolutely no idea what they are doing when it comes to security.

» have + no bearing (up)on = no afectar a, no influir sobre, no incidir en, no repercutir en, no tener relación con, no tener relevancia para, no ser relevante para.

Example: It's a good thing that I have the type of job where your criminal record has no bearing on your success.

» have + no boundaries = no tener fronteras.

Example: It will be global learning, thus evidence of the fact that learning has no boundaries.

» have + no business + Gerundio = no ser de + Posesivo + incumbencia, no tener por qué estar.

Example: Magro was on record as subscribing to the view that the public library as a democratically based public institution had no business using a disproportionate amount of its resources to support an elitist program for a tiny minority of the community.

» have no + cares about = no importar, no preocuparse por.

Example: First of all, I have to admit that I used to dog-ear my books and had no cares about doing this at all.

» have + no choice = no tener opción, no tener alternativa, no tener otra opción, no tener otra alternativa.

Example: While there were certainly people who stayed behind by choice, most stayed behind because they had no choice.

» have + no choice but = no tener otra opción que, no tener más opción que, no tener otra alternativa que, no tener más alternativa que, no tener más remedio que, no tener otro remedio que.

Example: When I got on the train, there wasn't an information tannoy, therefore I had no choice but ask the train crew questions even though they failed to understand my meaning.

» have + no clue = no tener idea.

Example: Browsing when one has no clue what one wants is not a very intellectual activity, it is rather aimless meandering.

» have + no end of problems with = no terminar nunca de tener problemas con.

Example: I would be glad to test the new version since I have had no end of problems with the old one.

» have no + explanation for = no tener explicación de/para, no explicarse.

Example: The engineer driving the train that derailed Tuesday night has no recollection of the crash itself and 'no explanation' for what happened.

» have + no feeling for = no percatarse de la importancia de Algo.

Example: It is when speakers have no feeling for pause that their speech seems to burble on without any arresting quality; the club bore is a burbler: he has not learnt the eloquence of silence.

» have + no idea = no tener (ni) idea.

Example: When the group got on the bus for their field trip that morning, they had no idea they would be heading for a military prison.

» have + no joy = no tener suerte, fracasar, no tener éxito.

Example: I just like challenges, especially with problem-solving on vehicles when others have had a try but no joy.

» have + no limit = no tener límite.

Example: The Catalogue Module has no limit on the length of a record, and a single field can be up to 200 characters in length.

» have + no margin for error = no tener margen de error.

Example: I didn't feel threatened, but I knew that I was on a razor's edge -- I had no margin for error.

» have + no one to turn to = no tener a quien acudir, no tener a quien recurrir.

Example: It's harder when you're all alone and have no one to turn to.

» have + no other option but = no tener más alternativa que, no tener otra alternativa que, no tener más opción que, no tener otra opción que.

Example: It seems that the big wigs caught by the army launched anti-corruption move have no other option but to face their trial.

» have + no other purpose than = no tener otro objetivo que el de.

Example: As a reader of books, I am frequently irritated by 'introductions', which appear to me to have no other purpose that to hinder me from getting into the meat of the text.

» have + no place in = no pertenecer a.

Example: Luhmann understands emotions essentially as perturbing individual phenomena that have no place in sociology.

» have + no place to go to = no tener un lugar donde ir, no tener un lugar donde acudir, no tener un lugar donde recurrir.

Example: Thousands of childen dead, injured and homeless and without carers -- having no place to go to and no body to turn to.

» have + no qualms about = no importar en absoluto, no tener ningún escrúpulo en, no tener ningún reparo en, no tener ningún remilgo en.

Example: Information service quality largely depends on the person at the public service desk who should have no qualms about working with people of any age, minority group, religious or socio-economic background.

» have + no recollection of = no recordar, no acordarse de.

Example: The engineer driving the train that derailed Tuesday night has no recollection of the crash itself and 'no explanation' for what happened.

» have + no regrets = no arrepentirse, no mirar atrás con arrepentimiento, no poder quitar lo bailado.

Example: If you want to get to the end of your life and have no regrets you need to seize every opportunity that comes along.

» have + no sense of = no tener sentido de, no tener conciencia de, no saber lo que es.

Example: The man who has no sense of history, is like a man who has no ears or eyes.

» have + no sense of decency = no tener sentido del decoro.

Example: I have no sense of decency -- that way, my other senses are enhanced!.

» have + no sense of fear = no tener sentido del miedo.

Example: I have walked in civilized cultures where women have no sense of fear, where they can walk alone at night knowing their gender does not make them a target.

» have + no sense of humour = no tener sentido del humor.

Example: Because really, the only thing worse than having no sense of humor, is having a bad sense of humor.

» have + no sense of shame = no tener sentido de la vergüenza.

Example: These politicians have no sense of shame -- this is the worst ever corruption scandal I have heard.

» have + no sense of the occasion = no tener sentido de la ocasión, carecer del sentido de la ocación.

Example: If you behave inappropriately at Mass, that is a sign that you have no sense of the occasion.

» have + no stomach for = no atreverse a.

Example: In an interview earlier this week, he had the gall to declare that the resolution would show the United States had no stomach for finishing the war.

» have + no stuffing = no tener personalidad, no tener carácter, no tener agallas.

Example: He's got no stuffing, cut him open, you'll find nothing -- he's good-looking, tall and tan but he's just an empty man.

» have + no time to/for = no tener tiempo de/para.

Example: If you judge people, you have no time to love them.

» have + no time to spare = no tener tiempo de/para, no tener tiempo que perder.

Example: Those who want to lose weight, but have no time to spare for gym activities, may consider drinking tea products, such as green tea.

» have + no truck with = no querer saber nada de, no querer tener nada que ver con, no querer (tener) ningún trato con, no tener nada que ver con.

Example: We believe in telling the truth and obeying the law, and have no truck with bribery or corruption.

» have + no understanding of = desconocer, no saber de, no tener idea de.

Example: Someone who is too honest sounds like a lunatic because they seem to have no understanding of how the world works.

» have + no use for = no tener la necesidad de usar Algo, no necesitar.

Example: Low-income urban families simply do not have any use for the traditional library or indeed any motivation for self-improvement and getting ahead = Las familias urbanas con ingresos bajos simplemente no tienen la necesidad de usar la biblioteca tradicional o de hecho no sienten motivación para la superación personal y para avanzar.

» have + no way back = no poder regresar, no poder volver, no tener manera de volver, no tener manera de regresar, no tener forma de volver, no tener forma de regresar, no tener modo de volver, no tener modo de regresar.

Example: This is our final choice, and we have no way back.

» have + no way out = no tener salida, no tener escapatoria.

Example: In the midst of a financial crisis, you may feel like you have no way out and no where to turn.

» have + no where to turn = no tener donde acudir, no tener donde recurrir.

Example: In the midst of a financial crisis, you may feel like you have no way out and no where to turn.

» in next to no time = en apenas nada, en casi nada, rapidísimo, al instante, instantáneamente, en nada de tiempo, en seguida, en un santiamén, en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, en un periquete, en un p(l)is p(l)as, al momento, en menos que canta un gallo.

Example: What we call the universe, in short, came from almost nowhere in next to no time.

» in no sense = de ningún modo.

Example: In no sense are policies engraved in stone and unchangeable.

» in no small measure = en gran medida.

Example: Although it may have taken a little while to find its feet, this collection is now a most significant resource in its own right, due in no small measure by the stimulation provided by Victorian historians.

» in no small way = en gran medida.

Example: His excellent rapport with Congress was in no small way responsible for the progress made by LC during his administration.

» in no time = en apenas nada, en casi nada, rapidísimo, al instante, instantáneamente, en nada de tiempo, en seguida, en un santiamén, en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, en un periquete, en un p(l)is p(l)as, en un suspiro, en un dos por tres, al momento.

Example: Follow each of these tips, and you'll be on the road to success in no time.

» in no time at all = en apenas nada, en casi nada, rapidísimo, al instante, instantáneamente, en nada de tiempo, en seguida, en un santiamén, en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, en un periquete, en un p(l)is p(l)as, en un suspiro, al momento.

Example: In no time at all, the printing revolution also changed institutions, including the educational system.

» in no uncertain terms = de manera muy clara, muy claramente.

Example: Related rights are making their presence felt in no uncertain terms in the Member States.

» in no way = de ningún modo, de ninguna manera, de ninguna forma.

Example: Although these categories of concepts are recognizable in UDC, they are in now way made explicit within the scheme.

» leave + no doubt = no dejar ninguna duda.

Example: Economic data released Friday in Tokyo leaves no doubt that Japan's economy has hit the skids.

» leave + no stone unturned = remover Roma con Santiago, remover (el) cielo y (la) tierra, buscar por todas partes.

Example: In out search for Mom's wedding ring, we left no stone unturned.

» like there's no tomorrow = como si se acabara el mundo, como si se fuese a acabar el mundo, como si + Pronombre + fuese la vida en ello, como si no hubiera mañana, a lo loco, a tontas y locas, a troche y moche, a diestro y siniestro, a más no poder.

Example: The way to live like there's no tomorrow is to basically love life and be as crazy as possible and take risks and chances.

» live (+ Posesivo +) life to the fullest and have no regrets = no poder quitar lo bailado, no arrepentirse de lo vivido.

Example: Jessie admitted that she has lived her life to the fullest and has no regrets.

» look no further = no busques más, deja de buscar.

Example: If you've been dying to find out what the best camisoles are, look no further.

» make + no claim to = no pretender ser.

Example: The last of these are the ones most directly aimed at a market, they make no claims to scholarship, only to helping students to pass examinations with the minimum amount of effort.

» make + no effort = no hacer ningún esfuerzo, no esforzarse.

Example: He makes no effort anymore and when I confront him about my feelings he doesn 't see anything wrong.

» make no mistake = que no (te) quepa la menor duda, que (te) quede bien claro.

Example: Make no mistake about it; pseudo-intellectualism is on the rise.

» make + no sense = no tener sentido, no parecer lógico.

Example: It makes no sense to sacrifice our health to balance the budget.

» make + no sense at all = no tener ni pies ni cabeza.

Example: The way President Obama has gone about it makes no sense at all.

» make + no sense whatsoever = no tener ni pies ni cabeza.

Example: Cuz they know that old coot constantly contradicts himself and makes no sense whatsoever.

» matter of no consequence = asunto sin importancia, asunto sin trascendencia, asunto insignificante, cuestión sin importancia, cuestión sin trascendencia, cuestión insignificante.

Example: Therapeutic lying can be practical and effective in matters of no consequence.

» mean + no harm = no tener malas intenciones.

Example: He barks when he sees or hears someone walking by and as you can imagine is quite intimidating but he means no harm.

» money + be + no object (for/to + Nombre) = el dinero no + ser + problema, el dinero no + ser + obstáculo.

Example: What would you do, if money was no object at all?.

» no admittance = prohibida la entrada.

Example: Are you saying that we should put up a 'No Admittance' sign to ideas that don't comport with our simple worlds of stereotyped images?.

» no arguments! = sin discutir.

Example: And picking up the check he said 'Lunch is on me today, Florence -- no arguments!'.

» no-brainer = de cajón, pan comido, fácil, obvio, simple.

Example: Recycling is a no-brainer since it conserves our natural resources and reduces air pollution.

» no-brainer = algo estúpido, persona estúpida, algo fácil, algo obvio.

Example: Fortunately for you there are a few decisions that are real no-brainers.

» no can do = no se puede, no se puede hacer, no puedo hacerlo, imposible. [Forma muy coloquial]

Example: No can do! Apple has told a U.S. judge that it is 'impossible' to access data stored on a locked iPhone that uses its latest operating system.

» no cost(s) = sin gastos, gratis, gratuito.

Example: Respondents who preferred CD-ROM searching did so because they liked doing their own searches and the fact that there were no costs involved.

» no dice! = ¡ni hablar!, ¡ni hablar del caso!, ¡nada de eso!, ¡ni en sueños!.

Example: Six weeks before the wedding I said no dice!.

» no doubt = sin duda, sin ninguna duda, sin lugar a dudas, sin la menor duda.

Example: The compiler of the classification scheme will no doubt be all too familiar with the order of subjects within the scheme = El compilador del sistema de clasificación sin duda estará muy familiariazado con el orden de las materias dentro del sistema.

» no doubt whatsoever = la menor duda de que.

Example: Powell said there was 'no doubt whatsoever' that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction.

» no end = inmensamente, en extremo.

Example: This decision will shake up library managers no end.

» No Entry sign = señal de prohibido el paso, señal de entrada prohibida.

Example: Drivers ignoring `No Entry' signs in this fashion have no regard for the safety of other road users and are clearly flouting the law.

» no-fault = sin determinación de culpabilidad.

Example: In 1978 the Pearson Commission in the United Kingdom rejected a no-fault system in dealing with clinical negligence.

» no-fly zone = zona de exclusión aérea.

Example: Recently the US and Britain have been intensifying their bomb raids against Iraqi territory, in particular, in the so-called no-fly zones.

» no-frills = sin lujos, sin extras, sencillo, básico, barato.

Example: This is a good guide for independent travellers looking for cheap, no-frills intercity transport around the country.

» no-go area = zona peligrosa, zona prohibida.

Example: It is routine for people to complain about the 'hordes of lager louts' who turn city centres into 'no-go areas'.

» no holds barred = sin restricciones, sin ningún tipo de restricciones, a discreción, todo vale.

Example: He has demanded a 'no holds barred' investigation of the causes of the electrical power blackout that crippled New York last week.

» no-host bar = barra de pago. [Usado como opuesto a "barra libre" en una fiesta o celebración]

Example: To enable members socialize before the meeting, a no-host bar will open at 5:00.

» no joy = sin suerte, sin éxito, sin resultado.

Example: I've tried several things I've read about in the forum but still no joy.

» no kidding = en serio.

Example: I once worked with a nice young lady who answered (no kidding) to Miss Piggy -- Blonde, chubby, squealed and referred to herself as 'moi'.

» no kidding! = ¡No me digas! ¡Venga ya!.

Example: I whispered to him, 'This would be illegal in the US' to which he answered, 'No kidding!' .

» no later than = antes de.

Example: Abstracts for long papers should be submitted no later than June 20, 2002.

» no less + Adjetivo + Nombre + than = nada menos que + Nombre + tan + Adjetivo + como.

Example: No less prestigious an authority than a Royal Commission was appointed to inquire into the charges brought against the man principally responsible for that volume.

» no less than = tanto como.

Example: Children respond no less than adults (rather more, in fact) to personal contact.

» no longer = ya no, ya no más.

Example: A library is no longer constrained to choose either a classified or a dictionary catalogue.

» no longer in print = descatalogado.

Example: The library kiosk complements two nearby bookshops by stocking a wider variety of titles no longer in print or difficult to obtain = Los quioscos biblioteca sirven de complemento a dos librerías que hay cercanas pues contiene una mayor variedad de título descatalogados o difíciles de obtener.

» no-looking-back = sin remordimientos, sin arrepentimiento.

Example: High morale and enthusiasm for institutional goals will make adaptation and innovation a one-way, no-looking-back ticket into the information age.

» no man is an island = el hombre no es una isla.

Example: No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.

» no man is a prophet in his own land = nadie es profeta en su tierra.

Example: And his life confirms the famous old saw: No man is a prophet in his own land.

» no-man's land = tierra de nadie.

Example: We stand squarely in a no-man's land between a rough technology and a vague science.

» no match for = inferior a.

Example: The article is entitled 'Tough luck: To be a professional sport climber in America probably means you're broke, fed up and still no match for the foreign competition'.

» no matter how = no importa cómo.

Example: For some of our readers, no matter how we wave the magic wand of persuasion, the library catalogue remains obdurately a pumpkin.

» no matter how + Adjetivo = no importa lo + Adjetivo + que + Subjuntivo.

Example: No matter how large the collection, the library is of little value if it is unable to retrieve the right documents as and when they are required.

» no matter how well = no importa lo bien.

Example: No citation order, no matter how well founded, will prove suitable for every searcher.

» no matter what = sin importar cómo, cueste lo que cueste, independientemente de lo que, sea como sea, sea lo que sea.

Example: In hand-to-hand combat, the soldier must have the attitude that he will defeat the enemy and complete the mission, no matter what.

» no matter what happens = sin importar lo que pase, no importa lo que pase, pase lo que pase, ocurra lo que ocurra, suceda lo que suceda.

Example: We told her that we are behind her no matter what happens.

» no matter what it takes = cueste lo que cueste.

Example: Angelus has had it with her insolence and is determined to 'bring her to heel' no matter what it takes.

» no matter what/which = sin importar qué.

Example: Indeed, it is a professional duty to equip oneself sufficiently to be able to help a child along as a reader no matter what genre appeals to him.

» no matter whether ... or = no importa si ... o.

Example: No matter whether your five o'clock shadow shows by lunchtime or you need a razor only once every 48 hours, shaving can be hell.

» no mistake = sin duda, sin ninguna duda, sin lugar a dudas, sin la menor duda.

Example: We were in a pickle too and no mistake.

» no more, no less = ni más ni menos.

Example: The motto of the paper was, 'A square deal and a fair chance -- no more, no less'.

» no more than = simplemente.

Example: A clump may be no more than a list of databases that share some common features like regional location, content type, subject matter, etc = Un grupo de recursos pueder ser simplemente una lista de bases de datos que comparten algunas características como la ubicación geográfica, el tipo de contenido, la materia, etc.

» no news is good news = las malas noticias vuelan, no tener noticias es buena señal, que no haya noticias es buena señal.

Example: No news is good news, in this case meaning there is no new clot in her lungs.

» no + Nombre = ningún + Nombre.

Example: No citation order, no matter how well-founded, will prove suitable for every searcher.

» no + Nombre + be = no hay + Nombre + que sean.

Example: No two data bases are identical.

» no-nonsense = serio, directo, al grano, sin tonterías, sin sensiblerías, sin rodeos, tolerancia cero, cero tolerancia.

Example: When you daydream about conquests you'll never have, the no-nonsense guy daydreams about ladies within reach.

» no-nonsense approach = actitud sensata y recta.

Example: Her first hint that all was not well was with the sudden appearance of Consuelo Feng, whose no-nonsensen approach to her job was emphasized by the emphactic clicks of her heels along the highly polished terrazzo floors.

» no obligation = sin ningún compromiso, sin compromiso alguno, sin compromiso ninguno. [Expresión muy común usada en el entorno comercial para invitar a alguien a que pruebe un servicio o producto sin comprometerse a su compra]

Example: A no obligation appointment is a good way to learn how we can help before starting treatment.

» no one = nadie.

Example: No one complained about Duff to her, and she decided not to probe for discontents.

» no one = ningún.

Example: No one catalogue can satisfy all the requirements of all users simultaneously.

» no one but = nadie sino, nadie excepto.

Example: No one but an obsessed fanatic would suggest that reading is all or enough in itself.

» no one else = ninguna otra persona.

Example: DOBIS/LIBIS does not get a new document number, but reserves this document for you, so that no one else can change it while you are working on it.

» no one would be the wiser = nadie notaría la diferencia.

Example: These goals statements are so vague and general and all-purpose that you could superimpose them on another library and no one would be the wiser.

» no other = ningún otro.

Example: No other bibliographic records or copies anywhere in the network may have the same numbers.

» no pain, no gain = no miel sin hiel, quien algo quiere algo le cuesta.

Example: 'The old adage 'no pain, no gain' should be less relevant as we age than when we're younger,' Lonner said = "El viejo dicho popular "quien algo quiere algo le cuesta" debería ser menos importante a medida que envejecemos que cuando somos más jóvenes", dijo Lonner .

» no pain without gain = no miel sin hiel, quien algo quiere algo le cuesta.

Example: Some people would call this madness, but David believes there is no gain without pain.

» no peace for the wicked! = no hay descanso para los malvados.

Example: The phrase was originally expressed as 'no peace for the wicked' and refers to the eternal torment of Hell that awaited sinners.

» no rest for the weary! = no hay descanso para los cansados.

Example: I could see they were tired from the journey but no rest for the weary as many people were interested in their arrival.

» no rest for the wicked! = no hay descanso para los malvados.

Example: Another season done and dusted, but no rest for the wicked so all teams best be prepared for the new season starting next week.

» no-return valve = válvula antirretorno.

Example: Each is equipped with a no-return valve that prevents escape of blood during systole.

» no room to swing a cat = no caber ni un alfiler.

Example: Another nautical phrase is 'no room to swing a cat' and refers to the fact that on the cannon decks of most naval ships there was no room to administer punishment by use of the cat o'nine tails.

» no-show = persona que no se presenta a una cita o reserva, no presentado al vuelo.

Example: Such 'no-shows' will result in lost revenue if the flight departs with empty seats that might otherwise have been sold.

» no single + Nombre = ningún + Nombre.

Example: She must try to convince him that no single individual, no matter how gifted, can any longer grasp the innumerable facets of modern corporate effort.

» no sooner said than done = dicho y hecho.

Example: No sooner said than done -- he slipped a dog collar around Pinocchio's neck and tightened it so that it would not come off.

» no sooner than = no antes de, después de.

Example: The effect of drugs on myoelectric activity of the digestive tract should be evaluated no sooner than 2 weeks after electrode implantation.

» no sooner ... than = tan pronto como.

Example: No sooner had the announcement been made by NASA than the astronomers were invited to join the company to continue their research.

» not take + no for an answer = no aceptar un no por respuesta, no conformarse con un no, no haber pero que valer, no darse por vencido fácilmente.

Example: You can never take no for an answer if you want to succeed in business.

» no two + Nombre = ningún + Nombre, no + haber + dos + Nombre que.

Example: No two printers of the hand-press period possessed stocks of exactly similar founts of type and of ornaments.

» no use crying over spilt/spilled milk = lo hecho, hecho está; a lo hecho, pecho, a toro pasado, a buenas horas mangas verdes.

Example: It may be no use crying over spilt milk but had the original constitution been more people-driven, perhaps things could have turned out different.

» no use + Ving = no servir de nada que + Subjuntivo.

Example: Nothing you can do about that so no use whining.

» no way = ni hablar, ni pensarlo, ni en sueños, de ninguna manera.

Example: I said no way and said you must be trying to evade the truth.

» no way back = sin camino de vuelta, sin camino de regreso, sin poder regresar, sin poder volver.

Example: Millions of refugees and displaced persons worldwide live in dangerous situations, in an unbearable state of limbo, with no way forward and no way back.

» no way forward = sin camino que seguir, sin poder avanzar.

Example: Millions of refugees and displaced persons worldwide live in dangerous situations, in an unbearable state of limbo, with no way forward and no way back.

» no way Jose = de eso nada, monada.

Example: I said no way Jose and a women called me a racist -- since when is this racist?.

» no way out = sin salida, sin escapatoria.

Example: There was no love, no marriage, but no way out.

» no-way-out street = callejón sin salida.

Example: It sounds weird but in my short no-way-out street there are two wheelchairs parked permanently.

» nowhere = en ningún lugar, en ningún sitio, en ninguna parte.

Example: Nowhere may a man acquire more honor than by taking a part in a work that enlarges the hope of the free world that it may be led in the ways of wisdom, whose 'ways are ways of pleasantness and all her paths are peace'.

» no wonder that = no es de extrañar que.

Example: No wonder that publishers would not pay much for a copy.

» of no avail = en vano, en balde, para nada, sin ningún resultado.

Example: All medicines were tried but of no avail, he remained in his state of absolute forgetfulness of the world.

» of no consequence = insignificante, sin importancia, sin trascendencia.

Example: Don't waste your time on this mean-spirited little film of no consequence.

» of no fixed abode = sin residencia fija, sin domicilio fijo.

Example: The defendants were predominantly male, single, and of no fixed abode, suffering from serious psychiatric disorder.

» on no account = de ningún modo, de ninguna manera, bajo ningún concepto.

Example: On no account should the schedules of a classification scheme be modified in order to gain some dubious advantage of this kind.

» pass + the point of no return = ser demasiado tarde para echar atrás, no haber vuelta atrás, cruzar el Rubicón.

Example: So in the winter of 49BC Caesar decide to take his army across the Rubicon and start a civil war, he passed the point of no return, committed everything and gambled all.

» reach + the point of no return = ser demasiado tarde para echar atrás, no haber vuelta atrás.

Example: Global warming is reaching the point of no return, with widespread drought, crop failure and water shortages the likely result.

» say + no to = decir que no a, negarse a, rechazar.

Example: I nearly bit her hand off, who in their right mind would say no to a selection of underwear from one of the most luxurious knicker brands in the marketplace.

» see + no end of/to = no ver el final de, no ver el fin de.

Example: Suffering a bewildering multitude of insoluble problems, Alice saw no end of misery.

» stand no + nonsense = no aguantar tonterías.

Example: Not only was he her right hand, he was accepted throughout the store as a manager who was firm, who would stand no nonsense, but who was fair.

» take no + joy = no complacer, no alegrar, no ser un placer.

Example: Make no mistake, I take no joy in seeing peaceful protesters attacked.

» take + no prisoners = matar al enemigo, matar indiscriminadamente.

Example: They began taking no prisoners, burning whole villages, and routinely shooting surrendering Filipinos.

» take + no prisoners = arrasar, no tener miramientos con nadie.

Example: He broke all the rules on and off the stage and took no prisoners in his wild pursuit of pleasure, pain, tragedy, and hope.

» the last but by no means least = el último pero no el menos importante.

Example: The last but by no means least element in personnel are the library assistants, or library technicians as they are known in American libraries.

» there + be + any/no truth to = no haber nada de verdad en.

Example: But now she was beginning to wonder if there was any truth to the old adage that 'It's not what you know, but who you know'.

» there + be + no denying that = no poderse negar que.

Example: There is no denying that close classification which distinguishes documents on one subject from those on another must be an aid to readers and staff.

» there + be + no doubt in + Posesivo + mind that = no tener la menor duda de que.

Example: A manqué artist will do when the real thing is unavailable, but there was no doubt in my mind that the musician onstage last night was incapable of delving deeply into any material.

» there + be + no doubt that = no haber duda de que.

Example: There is no doubt that IT has transformed attitudes and heightened the awareness of academics towards the significance of inculcating information skills = No hay duda de que la TI ha transfor

No synonyms

nobelium in spanish: nobelio, pronunciation: noʊbeliəm part of speech: noun no more in spanish: no más, pronunciation: noʊmɔr part of speech: adverb atomic number 102 in spanish: número atómico 102, pronunciation: ətɑmɪknəmbɜr part of speech: noun

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yes pronunciation: jes part of speech: noun
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