Nit in spanish


pronunciation: liendɹ̩e part of speech: noun
In gestures

nit1 = liendre. 

Example: On examination, lice and nits were noted on the eyelashes of both patients, and microscopic examination subsequently confirmed these as pubic lice.


» nitpick = sacarle faltas a todo, encontrarle faltas a todo, sacarle defectos a todo, encontrarle defectos a todo, buscarles los tres pies al gato.

Example: Some people have a neurotic, exaggerated sense of self-importance and will nitpick and make a row over just everything in every shop or restaurant.

» nitpicking [nit-picking] = quisquilloso, exigente, puntilloso, demasiado meticuloso, nimio.

Example: Librarians are expected, by their popular media image, to be fussy, nit-picking, pedants.

NIT (New Information Technology)2 = NTI (Nueva Tecnología de la Información). 

Example: This study examines the present and likely future impact of NIT (New Information Technology) developments upon the less-favoured regions of the Community.
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