Nipple in spanish


pronunciation: peθoʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

nipple1 = pezón, tetilla. 

Example: The appendix offer information on sterilization of baby bottles and nipples and the preparation of evaporated milk.


» inverted nipple = pezón invertido.

Example: Inverted nipples are extremely common and affect almost 10% of the population.

» nipple ring = anillo de pezón.

Example: Nipple rings are one of Hollywood's sexiest little secrets, and the trend is everywhere -- even though you may not know it!.

nipple2 = tetina, tetilla. 

Example: A sterilised nipple is also furnished with each bottle.

Nipple synonyms

pap in spanish: papilla, pronunciation: pæp part of speech: noun teat in spanish: pezón, pronunciation: tit part of speech: noun mammilla in spanish: mamilla, pronunciation: məmɪlə part of speech: noun mamilla in spanish: mamilla, pronunciation: məmɪlə part of speech: noun
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