Nineteen in spanish


pronunciation: dieθinuebe part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

nineteen (19) = diecinueve (19). 

Example: Divided into nineteen broad subject categories its intention is to list and index all publicly available COM documents.

19 (nineteen) = diecinueve (19). 

Example: Divided into nineteen broad subject categories its intention is to list and index all publicly available COM documents.


» 19th century, the = siglo XIX, el.

Example: Lithography as a printing process dates from the 19th century.

» 19th (nineteenth) = decimonoveno (19º).

Example: The Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme is now in its nineteenth full edition.

Nineteen synonyms

cardinal in spanish: cardenal, pronunciation: kɑrdənəl part of speech: noun, adjective xix in spanish: xix, pronunciation: zɪks part of speech: noun 19 in spanish: 19, pronunciation: none part of speech: noun, adjective
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