Nights in spanish


pronunciation: noʊtʃes part of speech: noun
In gestures

night = noche. [Período del día]

Example: And two of them I heard two nights ago on 'All in the Family'.


» a late night + Nombre = un + Nombre + a altas horas de la noche.

Example: These pants pants are perfect for lazy mornings around the house or having a late night sandwich before hitting the sack.

» a (late) night out on the town = de marcha, de juerga, de jarana, de parranda, de picos pardos.

Example: For your night out on the town get picked up and dropped off at your home or hotel and enjoy an evening worry free of driving, parking or hailing a cab.

» all-night = durante toda la noche, toda la noche.

Example: In the nineteenth-century compulsory overtime to 10 p.m. or midnight was a very common occurrence in news offices, with all-night working when there was a rush on.

» all-night long = durante toda la noche, toda la noche.

Example: As a result of the strange meal we all had everybody farted profusely all night long.

» (all) through(out) the night = durante (toda) la noche.

Example: All throughout the night, our soldiers worked with their specially-trained search and rescue dogs to locate casualties trapped in the rubble.

» a night on the town = una noche de fiesta.

Example: It's not every day you can cut loose and enjoy a swank night on the town.

» at any hour of the day or night = a cualquier hora del día o de la noche.

Example: The contributions are by some of Harvard's 135 current scholars, who have access to the library's 3.5 million volumes at any hour of the day or night, should they so wish.

» at any time of the day or night = a cualquier hora del día o de la noche.

Example: This bibliographic retrieval system permits users without previous training to search the medical literature themselves at any time of the day or night.

» at night = por la noche.

Example: When these elements have been incorporated into your story, tell it to yourself, silently, just before you go to sleep at night, or while riding a bus or subway.

» buck's night = despedida de soltero, fiesta de despedida de soltero.

Example: So, you've been enlisted with the job of best man, which ultimately means planning the buck's party of a lifetime.

» by night = por la noche.

Example: Polaris has long been an important star to sailors of old winding their way over the oceans by night.

» call it + a night = dar el día por finalizado, dar el día por concluido, dar el día por acabado, dar el día por terminado. [Usado para indicar que la persona se va volver a casa y/o acostarse]

Example: By this point it was close to midnight and I decided to call it a night.

» chilly night = noche fría.

Example: This is a classic American dish, the perfect hearty dish for a chilly night, and well-matched by a pleasantly bitter frisee salad.

» creature of the night = ser de la noche, ser nocturno.

Example: Graveyards and tombstones are essential to the atmosphere preferred by the creatures of the night.

» day and night = día y noche, noche y día, de día y de noche, por el día y por la noche, las veinticuatro horas.

Example: As those seeking information expect rapid service, day and night, publishers must be innovative and adapt to the challenges ahead.

» day or night = del día o de la noche, las veinticuatro horas, por el día o por la noche.

Example: Internet offers significant opportunities for teaching interactive research strategies at anytime, day or night.

» Día + night = Día + por la noche, Día + por la tarde noche.

Example: Board meetings are held every Monday night and attendance by principals is mandatory.

» different as night and day = ser como el día y la noche, no parecerse ni por asomo.

Example: When asked about their children's temperaments, parents frequently comment on how different their children are (e.g., 'different as night and day' or 'as if they came from different families').

» doe's night = fiesta de despedida de soltera, despedida de soltera.

Example: Where I am, the tradition is to have the buck's/doe's nights on the same night.

» every night = cada noche, todas las noches.

Example: I have a roommate who masturbates every night and it makes me sick.

» fly-by-night = sospechoso, dudoso, fraudulento, ilegal.

Example: What I was reading about looked like a really genuine and reliable way of earning good money that didn't involve some fly-by-night, get-rich-quick scheme.

» Friday night = viernes por la noche, el.

Example: By Friday night the weather turned for the worst as the hot spell gave way to strong winds and a heavy grey sky.

» from morning to night = desde la mañana a la noche.

Example: In vain I walked from one end of London to the other, and trod the 'stony-hearted streets' from morning to night, day after day.

» good night = buenas noches.

Example: And even after all that, even after everything I'd said to him earlier, he still came to say good night before he went to bed.

» go out for + the night = salir de (fiesta) de noche.

Example: If you decide to go out for the night, leave the car at home and take a hackney to and from your destination and this is also important the morning after the night before as you may still be over the limit without realising it.

» have + a good night's sleep = dormir bien por la noche.

Example: Whether you do voice-overs all the time or just this once, take care of yourself -- a good night's sleep and a liter or two of water every day is a great start.

» have + a late night = acostarse tarde, trasnochar.

Example: I had some thoughts about this yesterday but had a late night last night and now those ideas have escaped from my brain = Ayer se me ocurrieron algunas ideas sobre esto pero me acosté tarde anoche y ahora esos pensamientos se me han escapado de la cabeza.

» have + an early night = acostarse temprano, irse a la cama temprano, irse a dormir temprano.

Example: As it was Sunday, everyone was having an early night in preparation for work the next day.

» have + a night out = salir por la noche.

Example: If you have a night out and drink alcohol, a lot of water before bed really helps.

» hen night = fiesta de despedida de soltera, despedida de soltera.

Example: However, nowadays it is perfectly acceptable for all the female guests invited to the hen night to chip in and make financial contributions.

» hotel bed night = noche de hotel.

Example: Nationally the number of hotel bed nights decreased by 8% during the first quarter and by 4% during the second quarter of 2009.

» in the darkness of night = en la oscuridad de la noche, en las tinieblas de la noche.

Example: Forever, they walked and worked in darkness, hiding from the light in the darkness of night.

» in the dark of (the) night = en la oscuridad de la noche.

Example: Sins that would be too gruesome in the light of day are made more pleasing in the dark of night.

» in the dead of night = en mitad de la noche, en el silencio de la noche, en lo más profundo de la noche, a altas horas de la noche.

Example: The article is entitled 'Blackbirds singing in the dead of night?: Advancing the craft of teaching qualitative research' = El artículo se titulo "¿Mirlos cantando en mitad de la noche? Promoción del oficio de enseñar la investigación cualitativa".

» in the middle of the night = en mitad de la noche.

Example: The man awoke moaning with pain in the middle of the night, and was having trouble breathing.

» in the night = por la noche.

Example: The doors shut by themselves, if you go for a tinkle in the night, you've got to remember your key.

» it'll be alright on the night = al final, todo saldrá bien.

Example: To help make a school event a success requires more than just enthusiasm and an "it'll be alright on the night" approach.

» last night = anoche.

Example: So significant were her contributions to the library that last night at their annual organizational meeting the trustees elected her president.

» late at night = a altas horas de la noche, bien entrada la noche, a última hora de la noche.

Example: Seoul is one of the safest capital cities in the world, with a very low crime rate: even late at night pedestrians can wander safely around downtown = Seúl es una de las capitales más seguras del mundo, con una tasa de criminalidad muy baja: incluso a altas horas de la noche, los peatones pueden pasear sin peligro alguno por el centro de la ciudad.

» late last night = a última hora de anoche.

Example: Police confirmed late last night that bomb scares had forced the closure of 13 police stations across the island.

» late night = abierto por la noche, a partir de la medianoche, primeras horas de la madrugada, a últimas horas de la noche.

Example: In 1996 the library expanded its opening hours to meet the needs of the students for a late night quiet study facility.

» like passing ships (in the night) = como barcos que se cruzan (en la noche), como barcos que se cruzan (en la oscuridad).

Example: The relationship doesn't really exist if you and your partner treat each other like passing ships in the night.

» midnight = medianoche.

Example: In the nineteenth-century compulsory overtime to 10 p.m. or midnight was a very common occurrence in news offices, with all-night working when there was a rush on.

» Monday night = el lunes por la noche.

Example: Rain showers are expected to arrive Monday night along with a couple rumbles of thunder.

» moonlight night = noche de luz de luna.

Example: One moonlight night Sweeny was brought to our notice by his ejaculations of impatience at being obliged to come to a dead halt.

» moonlit night = noche de luna.

Example: The town was at loggerheads until one moonlit night a neighbour discovered the hen thief, a hungry lone wolf = El pueblo estuvo enfrentado hasta que una noche de luna un vecino descubrió al ladrón de gallinas: un lobo solitario y hambriento.

» morning and night = por la mañana y por la noche.

Example: The agricultural labourer receiving payment in kind was a married farm-hand with a one-year contract and whose wife had the duty to milk the cows morning and night.

» night after night = noche tras noche, una noche tras otra.

Example: His gift was not that he could sing that way, but that he could continue to sing that way night after night without damaging his vocal cords.

» night and day = noche y día, día y noche, de día y de noche, por el día y por la noche, las veinticuatro horas.

Example: And they worked night and day to make their dream come true.

» nightclub = club nocturno.

Example: Because it is such a competitive market, nightclubs are constantly reinventing themselves and places that are packed one weekend are deserted the next.

» night creature = ser de la noche, ser nocturno.

Example: Bigfoot or Sasquatch is generally depicted as a night creature but at times he will come out at daylight and likes to hang out in the woods.

» nightdress = camisón.

Example: A nightgown (also called a nightdress) is a loosely hanging item of nightwear nowadays mostly for women.

» nightdress = camisón, camisón de dormir.

Example: Gwen and Margaret came stumbling together out of the bedroom they shared, wearing nightdresses, rubbing their eyes.

» nightfall = anochecer, oscurecer, anochecida.

Example: Worms and parasites squirming through the body after nightfall on the battlefield.

» night + fall = noche + caer, anochecer, oscurecer, atardecer.

Example: Finally, as night fell, we reached our last destination.

» night flight = vuelo nocturno.

Example: The Government was going to court today in a bid to overturn a legal ruling which could ban all night flights in the UK.

» nightgown = camisón.

Example: A nightgown (also called a nightdress) is a loosely hanging item of nightwear nowadays mostly for women.

» night guard = férula, férula de relajación, férula de descarga, férula dental, férula nocturna.

Example: A bite guard, also known as a stress guard, teeth guard, dental guard or night guard, is a dental appliance provided by the dentist to protect your teeth from excessive grinding or clenching = La férula, también conocida como férula de relajación, férula dental o férula nocturna, es un aparato recomendado por el dentista para impedir que los dientes rechinen o se aprieten en exceso.

» night jasmine = galán de noche, dama de noche.

Example: Night jasmine is used for treating rheumatism, sciatica and severe coughs.

» night letter = telegrama nocturno. [Telegrama de tarifa reducida cuya transmisión se hace durante la noche]

Example: The abstract should be a model of brevity, yet it should not read like a night letter that is costing the abstractor $500 a word.

» nightlife = vida nocturna.

Example: Should delegates wish to stay further afield (possibly to be more in the centre of nightlife) then use can be made of Glasgow's extensive public transport system.

» night life = vida nocturna.

Example: This area is well known to Singaporeans for its good food, fruit shops and exciting night life.

» nightman = basurero. [Hace varios siglos, persona que se encargaba de recoger los excrementos humanos de las casas de la ciudad]

Example: In England, this job fell to the nightmen, who came after dark to cart the city waste into the countryside for fertilizer.

» nightman [nightmen, -pl.] = vigilante de noche, portero de noche.

Example: He somehow kept his head above water as a doorman at a bar and as a nightman at a slaughterhouse.

» night march = marcha nocturna.

Example: A quiet night march demands absolute silence and a suitable pace.

» nightmare = pesadilla, quitasueño.

Example: Catalogue maintenance in a large union catalogue based on cards or slips was a nightmare, and it was very labour-intensive to maintain such catalogues at more than one location.

» night out = salida nocturna.

Example: Pensioner Gwen Poole was stabbed to death as she waited for friends to pick her up for a night out playing skittles.

» night owl = ave nocturna, trasnochador, noctámbulo. [Persona que prefiere hacer sus vivencias de noche]

Example: The biological basis of preferences for morning or evening activity patterns ('early birds' and 'night owls') has been hypothesized but has remained elusive.

» night shift [night-shift] = turno de noche.

Example: It also leads to better utilization of machinery; for example, night shifts can be operated with minimum personnel.

» night sky = cielo nocturno.

Example: That means that over the next week and a half, we're expected to see frequent fireballs -- extremely bright meteors -- lighting up the night sky.

» night spot = local nocturno, local de entretenimiento nocturno, lugar de entretenimiento nocturno.

Example: We travelled by taxi and met up with some other friends, had something to eat and hit the night spots.

» nightstand = mesita de noche.

Example: She was lying on her tummy in her bed, watching the clock on her nightstand.

» night suit = pijamas.

Example: She was wearing a night suit with Mickey mouse on it and she was barefoot.

» night sweat = sofoco, bochorno. [Generalmente referido a los causados por la menopausa]

Example: For some women, the dreaded hot flushes or night sweats which often accompany the menopause can last for as long as a decade.

» night table = mesita de noche.

Example: I could not help but think that if this were a hotel room, there would have been a Bible in the night table drawer.

» night-time = nocturno, durante la noche, por la noche.

Example: End user searching on BRS/After Dark, the night-time version of the BRS Search Service, has been offered to users of Ottawa University Library since July 83.

» night tour = visita nocturna.

Example: Night tours for a minimum of 15 people are available by prior booking.

» night train = tren nocturno.

Example: This is the second time the railways have decided to extend the suspension of night trains in the affected areas.

» night vision = visión nocturna.

Example: The first phase of this project focused on the use of visual enhancements such as binoculars and night vision equipment.

» night watchman = vigilante nocturno, sereno.

Example: Night watchmen patrolled the streets between 9 or 10 pm until sunrise.

» nightwear = ropa de dormir.

Example: By the 1990s, a particularly important force shaping the U.S. nightwear and underwear industry was economic globalization.

» not sleep a wink (all night long) = pasar la noche en blanco, no pegar (un) ojo (en toda la noche), pasar la noche en vela.

Example: I'm so excited I bet I won't sleep a wink all night.

» on a Saturday night = un sábado por la noche.

Example: The good thing about being bisexual is that it doubles your chance of a date on a Saturday night.

» one-night stand = echar un cana al aire, ligue de una sola noche, aventura de una sola noche.

Example: The present paper is based on recent research on so-called casual sexual encounters or one-night stands.

» on Friday night = viernes por la noche, el.

Example: Local fans are in for a treat as five countries have indicated their participation in the tournament which gets underway on Friday night.

» on Monday night = el lunes por la noche.

Example: Irish former minister Proinsias de Rossa was knocked to the ground after a public meeting in Dublin on Monday night, according to the Labour Party.

» (on) Saturday night = el sábado por la noche, la noche del sábado.

Example: On Saturday night she lived up to her reputation, first as a feisty dame then as a consummate professional performer.

» on Sunday night = el domingo por la noche, la noche del domingo.

Example: A plane arriving at Los Angeles International Airport and one departing bumped into each other on Sunday night, but no injuries were reported.

» on Thursday night = el jueves por la noche.

Example: He started off on a good note of light-hearted jokes at a charity dinner on Thursday night, but the mood turned once he started attacking his ex more heavily.

» on Wednesday night = el miércoles por la noche.

Example: On Wednesday night a single winner won a jackpot of £8531595 in the national lottery draw.

» (on) Wednesday night = miércoles por la noche, el.

Example: Nine people have been arrested in a police swoop on Wednesday night.

» per night = la noche, por noche.

Example: At £75 per night this is significantly overpriced for a poky little room, with worn furniture, and a mattress that had definitely seen better days.

» put + Nombre + up for the night = hospedar, alojar, quedarse a dormir, pasar la noche.

Example: A very special thanks to Mary Miracle for putting me up for the night, thus saving me from the wet and wild wilderness.

» red sky at night, (shepherd/sailor)'s delight, red sky in the morning, (shepherd/sailor)'s warning = el cielo rojo al atardecer augura buen tiempo, el cielo rojo al amanacer augura mal tiempo. [En inglés británico se utiliza shepherd y en americano sailor]

Example: The old adage of 'red sky at night, shepherd's delight, red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning', has bearing only in the Northern Hemisphere.

» retire at + night = retirarse a + Posesivo + aposientos, acostarse, irse a la cama.

Example: Modern man is beset by many types of noise each day from the time he wakes until he retires at night.

» Saturday night = el sábado por la noche, la noche del sábado.

Example: I don't like most Saturday nights -- nothing on TV and not much to do by myself.

» sleepless night = noche en blanco, noche sin poder dormir.

Example: 'Sleepless nights redux' is a follow-up article to a presentation on book and serial acquisitions entitled 'Things that keep me awake at night'.

» sleep through + the (whole) night = dormir de un tirón, dormir toda la noche sin despertarse.

Example: Most healthy, full-term, newborn babies can sleep through the whole night without feeding by the time they turn six months old.

» sound night's sleep = sueño profundo.

Example: In this illustrated book, children are encouraged to make a racket before slowly quietening down for a sound night's sleep.

» spend + a sleepless night = pasar la noche en blanco, pasar la noche en vela, no pegar (un) ojo (en toda la noche).

Example: From your puffy eyes, I deduce you spent a sleepless night.

» spend + the night = pasar la noche, pernoctar.

Example: Dinner will be served in the boma at the Lodge, where you will again spend the night.

» stag night = despedida de soltero, fiesta de despedida de soltero.

Example: This is a likable, well-organized, and quite funny comedy that tells the story of a man who is left on a remote Scottish island on his stag night.

» stay out + all night = pasar la noche fuera, no volver a casa en toda la noche.

Example: It wasn't like him to stay out all night, and I was worried sick that he'd been in an accident.

» stay + the night = pasar la noche.

Example: Stay the night in our cosy and lively family rooms, perfect for parents travelling with children.

» stay up + all night = trasnochar, no acostarse en toda la noche, quedarse levantado toda la nocha, estar levantado toda la noche.

Example: Here are 10 quick tips that will help you stay up all night and ensure that you actually ace the exam the next day.

» Sunday night = domingo por la noche.

Example: With ominous clouds looming overhead, a huge clap of thunder sent all players scrambling for safety during Sunday night's game.

» the morning after the night before = la mañana después de una noche de juerga, la resaca después de una noche de juerga, mañana de resaca. [Expresión a veces abreviada the morning after]

Example: If you decide to go out for the night, leave the car at home and take a hackney to and from your destination and this is also important the morning after the night before as you may still be over the limit without realising it.

» the next night = la noche siguiente.

Example: The next night when I went out fully expecting to pull him his very recent ex was there and he ended up getting back with her.

» the night before = la noche anterior, la noche (de) antes.

Example: Her dad was mainly focused on her sister, who had broken curfew the night before and sweet-talked her way out of it.

» the night before last = anteanoche.

Example: The night before last, I had a dream that I was kidnapped with a group of people in a hotel in Afghanistan.

» things that go bump in the night = sustos, cosas que dan miedo, ruidos de la noche.

Example: The article has the title 'Things that go bump in the night: net newbies are maturing -- and making things scary for the traditionals'.

» Thursday night = jueves por la noche, el.

Example: Police are hoping security camera images will lead them to the suspect wanted for sexually assaulting a woman at knifepoint Thursday night.

» tomorrow night = mañana por la noche.

Example: The next concert will be tonite and tomorrow night.

» tonight = esta noche.

Example: In December, Mars will be twice as bright as it is tonight, staging its brightest appearance until the year 2016!.

» toss and turn (all night long) = dar vueltas en la cama (toda la noche).

Example: I do not remember this during my first pregnancy, but maybe it is selective memory, I have been tossing and turning all night long.

» tuck + Nombre + in for the night = acostar a Alguien.

Example: A child may talk to himself after his parents have tucked them in for the night.

» Tuesday night = martes por la noche, el.

Example: The engineer driving the train that derailed Tuesday night has no recollection of the crash itself and 'no explanation' for what happened.

» under cover of night = al amparo de la noche.

Example: These are persons who go around under cover of night desecrating graves and also seizing unsuspecting colored people for the purpose of dissection.

» wedding night = noche de bodas, noche nupcial.

Example: She was is a bit of a strumpet and was nearly killed by her husband on her wedding night when he discovered that she was pregnant.

» weeknight = noche de entre semana.

Example: Typically, downtown businesses are not open weeknights and many are not open on Sunday.

» work + day and night = trabajar noche y día, trabajar de día y de noche.

Example: He was overcome by the sinking realization that he was going to have to work day and night to prepare something he could be proud of by next Friday.

» yesterday night = anoche.

Example: Yesterday night two friends of mine were at my house and gave me a wonderful present.
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