Niggle in spanish


pronunciation: kexɑ part of speech: verb
In gestures

niggle1 = molestia, queja, achaque, dolencia. 

Example: Wilson was limping around so he must have picked up a knock or aggravated a niggle that he already had.

niggle2 = quejarse, gruñir, refunfuñar, reñir. 

Example: The House of Commons passed the week in niggling without result over a profusion of theoretical issues.

niggle3 = molestar, fastidiar, incordiar. 

Example: He was under the knife last week to treat the knee problem that has been niggling him.

Niggle synonyms

fret in spanish: traste, pronunciation: fret part of speech: verb, noun fuss in spanish: escándalo, pronunciation: fʌs part of speech: noun quibble in spanish: sutileza, pronunciation: kwɪbəl part of speech: noun, verb squabble in spanish: disputa común, pronunciation: skwɑbəl part of speech: noun, verb bicker in spanish: disputa, pronunciation: bɪkɜr part of speech: verb, noun pettifog in spanish: Pettifog, pronunciation: petɪfɔg part of speech: verb brabble in spanish: brabble, pronunciation: bræbəl part of speech: verb
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