Nickel in spanish


pronunciation: nikel part of speech: noun
In gestures

nickel1 = níquel. 

Example: By means of a search for information on nickel-chrome-aluminium alloys a demonstration is given of the way in which publications containing information on alloys are recorded in Chemical Abstracts.


» nickel-containing = que contiene níquel, con contenido en níquel.

Example: There are about 3000 nickel-containing alloys in everyday use.

nickel2 = nickle. [Moneda norteamericana equivalente a cinco centavos equivalente al duro español]

Example: What do librarians do all day but collect nickels and dimes?.


» dime and nickel novel = novela a duro.

Example: Beadle and Adams of New York's 'dime and nickel novels' included both new books and pirated English novels retailing as paperbacks at 10 cents a volume.

Nickel synonyms

ni in spanish: ni, pronunciation: ni part of speech: noun priced in spanish: carillo, pronunciation: praɪst part of speech: verb, adjective atomic number 28 in spanish: número atómico 28, pronunciation: ətɑmɪknəmbɜr part of speech: noun
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