Nick in spanish


pronunciation: mejɑ part of speech: noun
In gestures

nick1 = muesca, mella, melladura, escotadura, desperfecto, defecto, corte. 

Example: The table was purchased a year and a half ago as a conference table and has a few nicks and scratches but still looks good.


» in bad nick = en mala forma, en malas condiciones, en mal estado.

Example: The original floorboards are in bad nick with gaps between them and a few that are cracked.

» in good nick = en buena forma, en buena condición, en buen estado.

Example: I'm worried that Darryl may have peaked too early in his last match, but he seems to be in very good nick and is capable of holding off Webster.

» (just) in the nick of time = justo a tiempo.

Example: Some would say that Britain managed to get into the Community in the nick of time, before the recession set in.

» nick, the = cárcel, la; chirona.

Example: The police should prosecute the big fish like the Ansar brothers who have spent time in the nick for drug dealing but are now back to their old ways.

nick + Reflexivo2 = cortarse. 

Example: And then he had nicked himself shaving, so badly that the styptic pencil had failed immediately to do its appointed task, delaying him so that he had to wolf down his breakfast, the eggs of which had on them a crust which he hated.

nick3 = mangar, choricear, robar, afanarse. 

Example: It's more advisable to have a cheap and skanky bike for pootling around town, the idea being that no-one would want to nick a nasty looking bike.


» get + nicked = pillar, coger.

Example: And if you're gonna get caught for anything then getting nicked for having a shag must rank as a good reason.

Nick synonyms

notch in spanish: muesca, pronunciation: nɑtʃ part of speech: noun chip in spanish: chip, pronunciation: tʃɪp part of speech: noun dent in spanish: abolladura, pronunciation: dent part of speech: noun gouge in spanish: gubia, pronunciation: gaʊdʒ part of speech: noun, verb snick in spanish: corte, pronunciation: snɪk part of speech: noun
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